Recent content by Chromedome1990

  1. Chromedome1990

    Men With Beards More Attractive To Women....offsets Baldness?

    He'd still look awful with a ZZ Top beard. Beady eyes, non-ideal head shape, and weak eyebrows.
  2. Chromedome1990

    Baldness/balding Is Now On Instagram

    This is a means of them coping with their own physical insecurities, by belittling a cosmetic defect that afflicts a good portion men as they get older. That and they're probably just assholes.
  3. Chromedome1990

    [pics Inside] 3 Months finasteride How Does My Hair Look?

    My hair didn't even look that good at 18. I think you're complaining over nothing, OP. Most Finasteride users go through an initial shed during the first few months of treatment. Keep at it for a full year, and monitor your hair regularly.
  4. Chromedome1990

    Guys Tell How Hairloss Has Affected Your Life And What Changes It Has Brought

    I've only ever heard tall guys go "dude height doesn't even matter bro! XD" Like hell it doesn't. It's about as insipid as hearing a fullhead say that hair doesn't matter, and to just shave it bro! But at least with hair you stand a good chance of stopping baldness in its tracks with existing...
  5. Chromedome1990

    Guys Tell How Hairloss Has Affected Your Life And What Changes It Has Brought

    Can relate to this very much. I'm also nearly 30, and all of my friends are 6'0 or taller. Obviously all fullheads, too. Our Friday/Saturday nights are basically a constant reminder of how royally shafted I got in the genetic lottery. I've tried to not let it get in the way of advancing my...
  6. Chromedome1990

    Justin Bieber Just Buzzed His Long Hair Head

    I still wish I had that hair when I was 24.
  7. Chromedome1990

    Guys Tell How Hairloss Has Affected Your Life And What Changes It Has Brought

    Not much to say that hasn't already been said. For me, my hair was basically the only good quality I had since I'm otherwise quite ugly and short. When I started to lose my hair it destroyed my self esteem in ways I didn't imagine were possible. Whereas I used to wake up with perfect hair, I now...
  8. Chromedome1990

    Minoxidil/finasteride 5months Results

    An improvement for sure. Keep doing what you're doing.
  9. Chromedome1990

    Is This Forum Dying? ( Seven Word Title ...)

    LOL you've got to be kidding. How exactly does one keep baldness "sharp and clean"? Going the just shave it bro route? Please. Even a bad transplant is preferable to that, and Fred's result is not even bad, regardless of what some hair loss "patient advisor" has to say. Would he really have been...
  10. Chromedome1990

    Stop Torturing Yourself: There Wont Be Any Cure In Your Lifetime

    Fair enough. What will I do if it succeeds? I'll rejoice, of course. I'm no masochist, I want any new potential treatments on the horizon to be the real deal. Who doesn't? And for the second part of your question, I have many other flaws apart from hair loss.
  11. Chromedome1990

    Stop Torturing Yourself: There Wont Be Any Cure In Your Lifetime

    You're answering a question with a question. Also don't know what was with the rant, although for what it's worth you're way off the mark.