Recent content by HairIsPossible

  1. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    The real negative male trait you describe are these licentious habits. Are you such a man that one woman is not enough for you? So now not only are we to waste our lives worrying about losing our hair, but we must also waste it seeking validation from women in multitude through fleeting...
  2. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    It's rather sad that we have been programmed to equate the worth of a man with the amount of hair on his head. If you closely watch television commercials you will notice that they ALWAYS depict the "loser" character as bald and the "winner" character as having a full head of hair. This is done...
  3. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    I don't do these techniques because I expect them to bring me more hair. I do these techniques because I expect them to help me figure out the real cause of male pattern baldness. Once the pathology is truly discovered, devising a cure will be relatively easy. The only reason we have not rid the...
  4. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    Great find and thank you for sharing. I am no expert on cutaneous neuronal signals, especially in the scalp of a balding man, but if this increased sensitivity holds for human beings as well as the animals tested in this experiment it may enhance the effectiveness of a "cold therapy" type...
  5. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    In many ways when I think about this baldness problem using a simple idea like flow of qi everything falls into place a lot more cleanly than trying to break everything down into hormones, fat cells and capillaries. This is why I believe the scalp exercises if I do them correctly and...
  6. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    Yes, I think it may play a role in altering the environment of the scalp especially as baldness advances and it may be one of the reasons why it is much harder to grow back hair which has been dormant for a long time. The sebum build up may be the difference between men who have hairs which are...
  7. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    I dropped the ice therapy after a few weeks mostly because I was so sick of holding my neck at such a severe angle in order to keep my head submerged in ice water. I then began doing "hot blooded headstands" which I described here...
  8. HairIsPossible

    Wims Method As A Part Of Regimen As Treatment For Hairloss?

    Experiment with it and see what happens, and don't listen to any idiot who insists hair loss has nothing to do with a lack of oxygenated blood.
  9. HairIsPossible

    What Is Causing My Head To Be So Hot?

    Brilliant idea! However, this study must be conducted over significant stretches of time, before, during and after various types of activity. It would particularly interesting to see the fluctuation of the scalp temperatures during the course of sleep.
  10. HairIsPossible

    What Is Causing My Head To Be So Hot?

    The results are in from my headstand experiment. Unfortunately they did nothing to my prevent hair loss and may have perhaps even accelerated it. In reflecting upon the cause the experiment's failure I have ventured into the realm of Chinese Medicine to wield a new a set of tools to understand...
  11. HairIsPossible

    Hot Blooded Headstands

    Hello All, I wanted to give you an update since my last post on cold therapy. First, I am absolutely convinced that male pattern baldness is the direct result of hypoxic blood failing to supply hair follicles with the necessary oxygen for maintenance and growth. The reasons why people enter into these hypoxic...
  12. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    Those minor fluctuations may not be inconsequential. For example, there has been a lot of talk that testosterone is more likely to be converted to DHT in hypoxic states, though nobody has ever definitely said why this is the case to my knowledge. Could it be that the reason for this is related...
  13. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    Thank you for the comment. There are so many people out there who have already decided that baldness is 100% genetic and cannot be cured except by the graces of advanced technology. These people will attack anyone saying otherwise as a snake oil salesman, yet they are ironically the biggest...
  14. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    Blood supply is not a "new key" to my theory. It has always been part of it, in my initial post I specifically said: I have already explained not only the pattern in hair loss, but also the different incidence between sexes and the different incidence between ages. Where has my explanation...
  15. HairIsPossible

    Cold Therapy

    I do not want to say either one is more important than the other. I don't even like talking about "gravity causing hairloss" because it is a universal factor which affects all people, bald and not bald equally, and there is a limited amount we can do to offset its long term effects other than...