Recent content by JLL

  1. J

    HDL Cholesterol and male pattern balding

    You can't lower your blood cholesterol by reducing dietary cholesterol, unless you're one of the rare individuals who respond to dietary cholesterol (e.g. eggs). There are various ways to improve cholesterol levels through diet, however. I have several posts on cholesterol on my blog; for...
  2. J

    Mint - Never again

    Mint tea is anecdotally known to decrease libido. Probably related to reduced testosterone/dopamine, which would in turn affect motivation and mood. They do drink mint tea in the Middle East though, so it's not like it drives everyone crazy. Or wait...
  3. J

    Nizoral shortage

    What about ordering some other ketoconazole shampoo? They're all essentially the same thing, Nizoral is just a brand name. My local pharmacy has like three different brands.
  4. J

    Losing a beer belly

    Why all the recommendations for fruit? While a small amount of fruits and berries is probably useful, fructose is problematic for several reasons. Juices are pretty much out of the question. If you don't want to go entirely low-carb, the first thing I would cut out is pasta and bread and see...
  5. J

    A video that I think you guys should watch :)

    Before you hop on the vegan train, you might want to plan your diet carefully to avoid any deficiencies. And I'm not talking about only vitamin B12 (which is a real concern): Vegetable vs. Animal Sources of Vitamin A: Why Eating Carrots Isn't Enough
  6. J

    My theory for Male Pattern Baldness, care to poke some holes

    The IGF-1 theory doesn't seem to be supported by evidence; in fact, evidence to the contrary exists. See for example this post: Capsaicin and Soy Isoflavones Promote Hair Growth The increase in IGF-1 in this study resulted in more hair growth, not less. That said, I can see how excess IGF-1...
  7. J

    urine therapy

    Entertaining thread. Admittedly, I've occasionally wondered whether I should bring myself to do this experiment on my blog, but the idea of rubbing piss on my head hasn't really won me over yet. That said, I do find it interesting that I read about this a long time ago; it was claimed that...
  8. J


    Retin-A has been shown to increase the effectiveness of minoxidil AND to grow hair by itself. I've written some posts on retinoids on my blog, you might find them useful: Topical Retinoids Increase Hair Growth in Most People Tretinoin Results After a Year – Experiment Update And here's some...
  9. J

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    All vinegars have some health benefits (the ones I know are related to insulin/glucose), but I doubt there's anything special about apple cider vinegar -- except that it tastes better than some others. It's the acetic acid in vinegar that does the trick. I'm still waiting for proof that it's...
  10. J

    Rife Machine - EMF - to stop hair loss?

    Wow. There really is a sucker born every minute! You should get one of those old Nintenzo Zapper guns and shoot your head with it, I hear it kills harmful nanobacteria. Or is it ducks? I can't remember, I've had one too many lightnings strike my scalp.
  11. J

    Impossible To Reduce Sebum

    Forget supplements for now -- what is your diet like?
  12. J

    New study on soy isoflavones and hair growth

    The latest isoflavone study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, which is a peer reviewed medical journal.
  13. J

    RED Maca Reduces Serum DHT?!

    I have a couple of posts about maca on my blog: Peruvian Maca: Does It Really Increase Energy and Sex Drive? The Effect of Maca Root on Energy and Libido – Experiment Conclusion I tried yellow maca powder and didn't notice anything, but I've also read that red maca may be the only effective...
  14. J

    Sulfasalazine: drug provides full frontal regrowth.

    Related: Mixture of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Iron Increases Hair Growth in Mice