Recent content by TEDDYRUXPIN


    BBC news story about propecia?

    Not surprised this has hit this website. Please remember, no matter what drug (medicine) you take, someone will have side effects. So people who have side effects taking antibiotics? Should these drugs be banned? They save so many people? I've been on this drug up to 9 years, and I mean...

    Receding hairline and hair thinning at age 16 :( Help me!

    You do know that baby hair around the fringe falls out by the age of 16? Is your father bald? Ask him when he started, if so.

    propecia uk? does not seem to be registered in the uk - i.e. pharmacy registration. is genuine. You can walk into boots without prescription. Opt for their hairloss plan. It costs £90 for a 3 months supply. Alternatively, obtain a private prescription.

    Those of us on finasteride, can we still have children?

    I think people are right to be scared. To back the above up, I recently went through some fertility tests regarding propecia. My sperm concentration, motility were above standard. They were actually much better than the normal population. So for me, this drug did not affect me. So as a major...

    Is it wise to wash with nizoral when im losing 40hairs each time

    You should wash your hair daily and at the night. It will help. I don't recommend using nizoral daily. Rather too excessive to the head as it does dry out the hair. As for losing massive amounts of hair, are you excessive rubbing the hair? You should mix shampoo's with nizoral.

    Sides a month and 1/2 in: on Propecia

    No side effects at all. 20% reduction in erection? LOL. Unable to keep it up. Ok.... one thing you need to do. Is get your mind out of the side effects. Worrying = stress and hence, the above. Pointless thinking about it. You get on propecia to get off the stress of balding. Then you think of...

    What if I quit minoxidil after 10 weeks of use?

    Very difficult to say. You say that your hair is thinning out because of the minoxidil? Some people in this forum say that they experience this as this is normal part of shedding process. I have never experience this but many people do say this occurs. Anyway... your question. It is quite known...

    How to persuade university doctor to give prescritpition

    I will be very surprised if a doctor / physician will prescribe Dutasteride (Advocart) for male pattern baldness. No way. I will be very surprised. The FDA have not approved this for male pattern baldness, although some studies have been carried out. You would expect a lengthy time until this is approved. People who are on...

    UK members, see your GP for a cheap finasteride prescription

    From the above, you got really lucky. GP or physicians will very unlikely prescribe proscar for male pattern baldness. They are too scared for the law suit to occur and they can be struck off if a major mishap occurs. Very unlikely, but many won't risk it. Some GP's in the uk don't even want to prescribe...

    UK members, see your GP for a cheap finasteride prescription

    You are lucky. Not many doctors / gp's in the uk will prescribe proscar or 5mg finasteride for male pattern baldness. They can actually be struck off. They are relying on you cutting it in quarters and even then, you are taking 1.25mg of finasteride.

    Doctor against propecia - permanent sexual side effects

    What a monkey. I've been on it for 9 years with out any side-effects. So unfortunately for your information - you fit in the lower spectrum of the side-effects market.

    Who has taken Finasteride without side effects? Report here

    9 years but with merck propecia 1mg only. Daily take and only at night. Kept most of my hair and only the temples slightly receded. Mainly the right temple side. Using spectral DNC lotion to try and regain but no hope.

    How to get quicker results from Finasteride - My Theory

    Plucking hair does actually result in thinning and it will actually result in slower growth of the hair. Easy example is to just look at women who pluck their eyebrows. If you are serious about this, how about shaving the hair?


    First thing I would say is see a doctor. How bad is your hairloss? Have you tried minoxidil yet? At your age, I tried minoxidil for a good few years and in between some other snake oil things. I jumped on the finasteride bandwagon when I was 23 years old. So everyone would give you a different...

    Poll: Laser

    Can I use my laser pointer?