Welcome to the Guide to Women’s Hair Loss. There are four steps in this guide, the last of which will provide you with treatments to begin as soon as you’re ready. We don’t carry nor create our own products. We just point you to the most scientifically-backed options available. Let’s get started.
Do you have patchy hair loss?
If you are experiencing any form of patchy hair loss or total loss of hair on your head, or other parts of your body, this guide is not for you. Please visit our “Guide to the Alopecias” for information custom tailored to your needs.
You’re not alone…
It’s hard enough for a man to lose his hair, but at least it is socially acceptable. For a woman losing her hair, the experience can be a thousand times more difficult. Confusion, fear, and anxiety can set in, and the feeling of helplessness is understandable. HairLossTalk has been around since 1999, and in that time we found that nearly 35% of our visitors are female. And we have a lot of visitors. So rest assured that you are not on your own with this.
This site has a close-knit community of females dealing with this condition in all its forms, and we hope you will participate. But right now you’re here to get help, get on some treatments, and get some direction on what to do next. And that’s exactly why we created this guide.
Despite what you may think, as a woman, you do have options. There are products out there that can help, and treatments your physician can administer that will work. This is not just a condition seen only in men. Nearly 40% of women by age 60 experience some form of hair loss. It’s no longer about male hair loss versus female hair loss. The causes may be very different, but the solutions follow a similar logic if you are a woman with thinning hair.

Nearly 40% of women by age 60 experience some form of hair loss.
You will need to do your own footwork
It is unfortunate but true that Physicians these days seem to have less and less education on many conditions, and being proactive on behalf of your own health is imperative to getting good treatment. The average doctor knows only the basics about women’s hair loss, which is far more complex than men’s. You will likely be told to use Rogaine, and then sent home.
In the next few pages, we will arm you with knowledge. It will be your job to discuss this information with your physician and get the care you need. Expect to hit some roadblocks along the way however, as doctors can often be unhelpful and even unwilling. The physician fully-educated in women’s hair loss will undoubtedly agree with everything you find here.
The most common causes of hair loss in women are hormone-related. Whether it be an overactive thyroid, or the after effects of menopause or pregnancy, there usually is a “good” reason why women lose their hair. The key is to find out what the reason is, and to then evaluate your options in dealing with it. We will give you the steps on how to proceed. First things first though, let’s find out how to help your doctor diagnose your condition.
Step 1: Understanding Women’s Hair Loss

Women’s Hair Loss Myths
First, lets address some of things people are going to tell you. Prolonged stress can result in hair loss, but it is the type of stress that lasts months/years and typically affects your overall mental and physical health in a noticeable way. So unless you’ve been through this, or a recent pregnancy, your hair loss is most likely not a result of you being “too high strung”. Usually thinning hair loss in women is a result of hormonal imbalance, but even if stress is a factor, the treatment methodology is the same: Products like Rogaine Foam or Tricomin Therapy Spray (or both) are effective at starting the hair growth process again.
Female Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic Alopecia in women is typically characterized by diffuse thinning throughout the hair-bearing area. It can be minor or dramatic. The cause is assumed to be very similar to men’s Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness). In both cases, the reason you are losing your hair is a sensitivity of your follicles to the hormones in your scalp. The specific hormone is typically DHT, or Dihydro-Testosterone. This is why treatments for women’s androgenetic alopecia include DHT blockers, and antiandrogens, just like with men. Some typical treatments are Revivogen, Kourosh DHT Blocker, and (with the consent of your doctor only), Propecia.
Women’s hair loss is likely to appear at times of hormonal change, and is generally identified by overall thinning versus patchy loss. Some common causes of women’s hair loss are: Starting or stopping birth control, the postpartum period, and pre and early post-menopausal periods. With women’s hair loss, women rarely go completely bald. The end result of the condition is a visible decrease in density of hair in the affected areas.
Do I have Telogen Effluvium?
Telogen Effluvium sometimes gets confused with Androgenetic Alopecia in women because it presents in a similar way. Diffuse thinning. Its a temporary form of hair loss that tends to resolve on its own after many months. The only way to determine if your loss is Androgenetic Alopecia or Telogen Effluvium would be to rule out hormonal imbalances with bloodwork (below). Imbalances point to Androgenetic Alopecia, and lack of an explanation may point to Telogen Effluvium. Since there is often no explanation for the true cause, Hair Growth Stimulants are recommended for any woman experiencing hair loss. You can consider adding Antiandrogens to the regimen if you want to cover all your bases.
Causes of Telogen Effluvium in Women
However, here is a quick-list of some very common causes of Telogen Effluvium in women:
- Birth Control: Starting or stopping birth control.
- Postpartum Period: After pregnancy it is common to lose hair. It is typically restored on its own or with the help of Rogaine Foam or Tricomin Therapy Spray or both.
- Hormonal: Changes in hormone levels or thyoroid imbalances are common reversible causes.
- Nutritional: Crash dieting, chronic nutritional deprivation, alcoholism, zinc or iron deficiency can all be causes of Telogen Effluvium.
- Fever: 2 to 5 months after severe fever related illness, Telogen Effluvium can begin.
- Systemic Illness: Conditions such as Crohn’s or Hepatic Disease, Syphilis, Lymphoproliferative disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Medications: A large number of drugs have been reported to cause or possibly cause, diffuse Alopecia.
Blood Tests for Women’s Hair Loss
Typically a dermatologist is the type of doctor that handles women’s hair loss. Finding one that is truly an “expert” will be next to impossible unfortunately. But the following list of bloodwork can be brought in and requested to check for any imbalances. This should help you identify any problems and give you another way to resolve your hair loss outside of hair loss treatments:
- DHT, DHEAS, Testosterone, Androstenedione, Prolactin
- Follicle Stimulating and Leutinizing Hormone
- Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin, TIBC (Total Iron Binding capacity)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- VDRL & Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Causes of Women’s Hair Loss
The following factors can play a significant role in developing women’s hair loss. Having the following answers ready for your doctor will help him or her properly diagnose you:
- Are you on any medications? If so, what.
- How long has this problem been occurring?
- Is the hair falling out fully intact, or is it breaking?
- Family history of diabetes, asthma, arthritis, lupus, vitiligo, anemia, or Addison’s disease?
- Have you recently given birth, or gone through menopause?
Now let’s discuss the different types of hair loss treatments that have been found to be effective in most women who are experiencing thinning hair.
Step 2: Types of Women’s Hair Loss Treatments

The various types of clinically proven treatments for women’s hair loss available through your physician and our hair loss treatment product center.
Prescription Antiandrogens for Women’s Hair Loss
While we do not carry any of the following treatments, your doctor may be aware of the possible prescription antiandrogen treatments typically used for women experiencing thinning hair. It is most likely that your doctor will simply tell you to use Rogaine, but if you have a more complex situation, or have not seen any results, the following medications may be of help:
- Propecia (Finasteride) – It’s what men use. Discuss with your doctor if it will be effective for you as well.
- Oral Spironolactone – Effective internal antiandrogen – very commonly prescribed for women with thinning hair. We offer a topical treatment that has similar benefits: Revivogen MD.
- Flutamide – 250mg orally 3 times a day
- Cimetidine – 300mg orally 5 times a day
- Dexamethasone – 0.25 to 0.75mg per night
- Cyproterone Acetate – 50 to 150mg a day (not available in US)
- Desogestrel: Desogen, Ortho-Cept
No matter what your condition, there is something you can do today. We have an Online Product Center which is the result of over 15 years of feedback from our members, and trusted experts in the hair loss research world. We don’t create or sell our own products. We’ve simply gathered the one’s that work. Shameless self promotion isn’t something we do well, but we’d be remiss to take you this far and leave you without the ability to take action. We’re going to cover the treatments which you stand to benefit most from, below.
Three Types of Women’s Hair Loss Treatments
There are three classes of hair loss treatments for women with thinning hair. DHT blockers (Antiandrogens), Growth Stimulants, and Anti-Inflammatories. Anti-inflammatories are really just an adjunct treatment that should always be part of any regimen, as they reduce inflammation and create an optimal scalp environment for your treatments to work.
Antiandrogens. Used to stop the underlying cause and prevent further hair loss.
Antiandrogen Treatments >
Growth Stimulants. Stimulate new hair growth. Won’t stop the underlying cause.
Hair Growth Stimulants >
Anti-inflammatories. Eliminate inflammation and enable other treatments to work.
Anti-inflammatories >
Treatments like Rogaine and Tricomin are powerful growth stimulants, while Revivogen and Kourosh DHT Blocker are oustanding natural antiandrogens with ingredients backed by science. However, just like men with Androgenetic Alopecia, its wise to hit it from both angles. Growth stimulants will kick-start the process, and Antiandrogens will prevent further loss. But what about anti-inflammatories?
The Importance of Anti-Inflammatories
The all-important ingredient. Ketoconazole. Its available in a very few select shampoos and is a mandatory part of any hair loss treatment regimen. The hormonal processes which cause hair loss also cause an underlying inflammation that prevents treatments from working. So this must be controlled. We carry the most effective anti-inflammatory treatments and shampoos on the market today in our Product Center: Anti-inflammatories.
Products Proven to Work in Women with Thinning Hair
It’s now time to build your regimen. There are 3 groups of women’s products presented below. The first is “Proven Products for Women“. These are products that have undergone human trials and been shown to increase or maintain hair.
The treatments in this category should be viewed as your foundational regimen. However the second group below can dramatically enhance the effects of these core treatments when used together.
proven hair loss treatments
Regrowing Hair
Rogaine (Minoxidil) has been proven to regrow hair 85% of the time in human trials, and ... (more)
Rogaine (Minoxidil) has been proven to regrow hair 85% of the time in human trials, and combining it with a topical androgen blocker will give you even better results if used consistently.
Scalp Conditioning
Propecia, Rogaine, and Nizoral / Regenepure make up the "Big Three". A term coined ... (more)
Propecia, Rogaine, and Nizoral / Regenepure make up the "Big Three". A term coined for the ultimate approach in treating hair loss. Combining a DHT inhibitor, a growth stimulant, and an anti-inflammatory shampoo will give you your best chance of maintenance and regrowth after 2 years consistent use.
The second category is “Clinically Backed Treatments“. These are treatments with solid scientific backing on the ingredients contained in the product. These treatments should be your adjunct to your core treatments, and considered an imperative addition to ensure your success.
clinically backed treatments
Stopping hair loss
Alternative to Propecia for Men and Women. S5 Cream is a topical androgen blocker that ... (more)
Alternative to Propecia for Men & Women. S5 Cream is a topical androgen blocker that works similarly to Propecia. Especially when combined with Revivogen. Stop hair loss without the side effects.
Stopping hair loss
An enhanced solution of S5 Cream with two additional pharmaceutical-grade ingredients which ... (more)
An enhanced solution of S5 Cream with two additional pharmaceutical-grade ingredients which triple the effectiveness of the original solution by hitting hair loss from 2 additional angles.
Stopping Hair Loss + Regrowth
The best natural combo treatment on the market. Both a DHT Inhibitor, Antiandro ... (more)
The best natural combo treatment on the market. Both a DHT Inhibitor, Antiandrogen, Growth Stimulant, and Androgen Blocker in one. Combined with S5 Cream, you can duplicate Propecia's benefits without the side effects, and works great for both men and women.
Regrow Hair
The best natural growth stimulant on the market today. Great natural ... (more)
The best natural growth stimulant on the market today. Great natural alternative to Rogaine for both men and women. Tricomin stimulates hair growth and conditions your scalp. Its our biggest selling natural product aside from Revivogen. Can be combined with a DHT inhibitor for maximum results.
Stopping Hair Loss + Regrowth
A topical DHT inhibitor which inhibits DHT levels by 96% in the scalp using ... (more)
A topical DHT inhibitor which inhibits DHT levels by 96% in the scalp using Azelaic Acid, a powerful topical antiandrogen not found in other clinically backed treatments in this class. Used in combination with Revivogen and S5 Cream you have outstanding coverage in hair loss prevention.
Regrow Hair
Laser hair growth in your home. The HairMax Laser Comb is a take-home ... (more)
Laser hair growth in your home. The HairMax Laser Comb is a take-home version of the expensive treatments in salons costing $200+ per visit. It has been shown to stimulate new hair growth and dramatically improve the appearance of your hair.
Lastly, we present “Cosmetic Treatment Options“. These are an outstanding set of products that can improve your appearance immediately, today, for that all-important job interview, first date, or social event.
Cosmetic Treatment Options
Cosmetic Improvement
Immediate results! Look great in seco...
Nizoral is a crucial part of your hair loss regimen. It reduces the irritation, inflammation and itching. It has antiandrogenic properties and is the only shampoo which can help stop your hair loss. Use it once every 3 days and allow it to soak.