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Posts From Kevin Rands

Johnson and Johnson Genetic Hair Loss Research 0

The Skin Biology Research Center of Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals is searching for the gene causing male pattern baldness…By identifying the gene they hope to generate a treatment for prevention

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Pfizer and OCI begin Genetic Hair Loss Research

Pfizer along with OCI Pharmaceuticals have also begun to take steps into determining the genetic causes for hair loss… Slowing or even eliminating hair loss, is the newest endeavor. Researchers

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Revivogen Updates from Real Users

Revivogen Hair loss treatment – several consumers report their results As promised, we have been tracking (now over 60) Revivogen users since June 2000, and finally contacted the first very

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European Hair Research Society Conference

All this week, the European Hair Research Society is holding a major annual conference in Marburg, Germany on hair loss. A meeting of the greatest scientists and clinicians in the

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Hair Loss Gene Chip Study

Merck Pharmaceuticals has approved a grant intended to fund a research team of dermatologists at Cornell University Medical Center in New York City in using a new technology to analyze

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Propecia Hair Growth Challenge

Seven Professional Baseball players recently revealed the winner of the year long “Charity Challenge with Propecia”. A year ago these seven players announced that they would take Propecia (finasteride) for

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Studies Presented at 2001 Tokyo Hair Loss Conference

Long-Term (5 Years) Multinational Experience with Finasteride 1-mg in the Treatment of Men with Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Hair Loss) Keith D. Kaufman, for The Finasteride Male Pattern Hair Loss

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Recent Advances in Hair Cloning 0

Article written exclusively for HairlossTalk and its users, Dr. Kevin McElwee provides this three-part review on the current state of hair cloning research, its history, and what you can expect

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Hair Cloning vs Hair Transplants: A Comparison 0

The following article was written by Dr. Gho for HairlossTalk to help clear up some of the misconceptions of exactly what Follicular Multiplication is – both for consumers and those

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Update – Bristol Myers Hair Loss Clinical Trial

Update:   This trial is from pre-2005 and is no longer recruiting.  We never received updated information on it, past what you read below. Last month we announced a new drug

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