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Posts From Kevin Rands

Follica’s New Hair Loss Treatment Might Hurt 1

Follica is moving forward with a new hair loss treatment using stem cells, scalp wounding, and an at-home growth stimulant to generate new hairs…

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Follica Presents at the AAD 2017 Annual Meeting 0

Follica presented at the 2017 AAD Annual Meeting this year, to discuss their upcoming new treatment. sat down with the CEO of Follica to discuss the latest…

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World Hair Congress 2017 – Presentations, Pictures & Interviews 1

Information on all the presentations, videos, and interviews with the speakers, in one location. The World Hair Congress 2017 in Kyoto Japan…

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22 Year Old Alopecia Areata Spokeswoman: Abby Andrew 1

We’d like to introduce to you Abby Andrew – a charming 22 year old who has tackled her Alopecia Areata since childhood.  She has been kind enough to let us

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HairLossTalk Weekly Mashup | November 21 2016 1

Covering pretty much everything since the site went “back online” in 2016 – through Thanksgiving!

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New Alopecia Universalis Totalis Treatment IND Filed with FDA 3

Back in September, we announced a revolutionary new topical treatment for Alopecia Areata which is being created by Aclaris Therapeutics.  A few days later we published an article citing a

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Hair Loss: Inherited from Mother or Fathers Side? 1

So exactly where is hair loss inherited from? Mother’s father like they tell us? An unpredictable unorganized appearance throughout family members? Dr. Richard Lee addresses the genetics of hair loss,

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Samumed Includes Hair Loss in Regenerative Medicine Platform 2

An overview of Samumed’s Wnt signaling hair loss treatment called SM04554, as well as an overview of the company and the Phase 1 and 2 study results.

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Histogen Signs Deal for Commercialization of HSC in China 1

Histogen has signed a deal for development and commercialization of Hair Stimulating Complex with an important pharmaceutical partner in mainland china…

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Potential Hair Loss Cure Coming in 2020? 6

Organ Technologies and Riken have partnered with Kyocera to head up one of the most promising new hair regeneration projects in the industry.  If successful, it will enable the generation

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