First off, welcome to HairLossTalk. This is an online community serving hair loss sufferers of every kind. That includes the most precious members of society: our kids. If you’re here, you’re either looking for information, or support, or both. One of our biggest strengths on this site is our community.
Content pages like this can help, but you will get the best information and support by interacting with others who have children dealing with hair loss. So we’d like to invite you to register and post your story and your questions on our Children’s Hair Loss Support Forums. Someone will be there to help you with your questions.
Let’s get started.
Children’s Alopecia Information
Hair loss in children is actually not very common. However, it is significant enough that nearly 2 million children suffer from at least one form of Alopecia (hair loss) or another in the United States alone. The good news is that at least 60% of children with Alopecia will “outgrow” the condition without need for treatment.
As with all forms of Alopecia, a reversal and complete restoration of hair takes time – sometimes up to a year or more, but for the vast majority of children, it will spontaneously resolve. The bad news is that 40% won’t have such luck. This can be quite frustrating for the parents and child affected by this often cosmetically embarrassing condition.
In the following pages, we are going to review the most common types of children’s alopecia, the most effective way to find an educated physician, the tests that should be done to ensure an accurate diagnosis of the type of alopecia and the treatment options available for each type.
Please keep in mind that hair loss in children is not due to vitamin deficiencies (unless extreme malnutrition is present), poor scalp circulation, headbands, hats or cold weather. Diagnosis is typically as simple as an evaluation of the risk factors (which we are about to go over), a visual examination of the type of loss and some tests your doctor can perform.
Please use the tabs below to navigate to the next pages of this guide.
Please use the tabs to proceed to Step 1: Diagnose of the Children’s Hair Loss & Alopecia Guide.
Next Step 1: Types of Children’s Hair Loss
Learn about the most common causes of hair loss in children, and help identify which form your child is experiencing.
Step 2: Finding a Doctor
Finding a qualified physician to diagnose and treat your child’s hair loss. What questions to ask, credentials to expect, and where to find one.
Step 3: Children’s Hair Loss Treatments
A review of the only proven treatments for reversing or stopping the three most common forms of children’s hair loss.
Step 4: Get Support from Others
Connect with other parents who have found answers for their children’s hair loss.