
Your Usual Morning Routine Regarding Hair Loss


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apply minoxidil, comb my hair, dim the lights "damn I look o.k.", turn the lights on "my life is over", pace around the house cursing God, see myself in the mirror from afar "today is gonna be good, let's hit the gym", walk into the sunlight, see my reflection in car window "I just need to f*cking kill myself", put on a hat, drive to gym singing the entire way, arrive at gym, take off hat "what's the f*cking point", pace around locker room, leave gym, drive home and drink, cry myself to sleep, have nightmares about all my hair falling out, wake up at four a.m., freak the f*ck out, repeat.


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apply minoxidil, comb my hair, dim the lights "damn I look o.k.", turn the lights on "my life is over", pace around the house cursing God, see myself in the mirror from afar "today is gonna be good, let's hit the gym", walk into the sunlight, see my reflection in car window "I just need to f*cking kill myself", put on a hat, drive to gym singing the entire way, arrive at gym, take off hat "what's the f*cking point", pace around locker room, leave gym, drive home and drink, cry myself to sleep, have nightmares about all my hair falling out, wake up at four a.m., freak the f*ck out, repeat.

mostly a joke, although I do have days like that here or there... I just try to make my hair look thick as possible and go about my day...


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apply minoxidil, comb my hair, dim the lights "damn I look o.k.", turn the lights on "my life is over", pace around the house cursing God, see myself in the mirror from afar "today is gonna be good, let's hit the gym", walk into the sunlight, see my reflection in car window "I just need to f*cking kill myself", put on a hat, drive to gym singing the entire way, arrive at gym, take off hat "what's the f*cking point", pace around locker room, leave gym, drive home and drink, cry myself to sleep, have nightmares about all my hair falling out, wake up at four a.m., freak the f*ck out, repeat.

For some reason, reflection in the car window makes my hair look worse than it is. I have stopped putting too much stock in what I see in car window/mirror.


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Lol...just a single hand stroke on hairs and i am Ready...

As i already said..i am not sleek bald nw6.
I have hairs all over my head but though they are neither vellous or terminal.

Agustin Araujo

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I just comb my hair then go out and live my day, with which ever activity I'm going to be doing.


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Lol...just a single hand stroke on hairs and i am Ready...

As i already said..i am not sleek bald nw6.
I have hairs all over my head but though they are neither vellous or terminal.


I don't understand how can you type with these grammas mistakes... It should be your second native language, shouldn't it?


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minoxidil, then trying to hide my bare temples while checking my head out in the mirror from every angle...walk away semi-convinced that most people will probably be fooled into not realizing I'm balding.


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Bathing Sauhbaraj' head in minioxidil while whispering into his ears 'we are all going to make it brah'


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1) remember to be bald
3) take finasteride
5)apply minoxidil and look at myself in the mirror
7)go to work

Wha do your coworkers tell you about ur decease? When I was working there was a 5'6 NW8 guy in 19-20 years with a skull worse than yours... He wasn't confident.


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I hate small talk, and I don't talk to them about anything which concerns me or my life. They make fun of me behind my back, though.

how do u know about this?


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A friend of mine, who was also my colleague before losing his job,once told me he was sorry of all the things people say behind my back (I won't repeat them here), and told me not to worry because they're "jealous of my position". I'm apathetic, so I don't really care.

recalled me These girls are shallow, are you sure you want them??


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Depends which mirror I use...
Want a good day? Bedroom mirror.
Bad day? Bathroom mirror with overhead light or harsh sunlight coming from outside. GG.


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1. Think about real problems in the world.
2. Think about pointlessness of existence as a whole.
3. "Meh..."
4. Go on about my day.


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Wha do your coworkers tell you about ur decease? When I was working there was a 5'6 NW8 guy in 19-20 years with a skull worse than yours... He wasn't confident.

Really? But it's just hair, bruh! So many guys on youtube showoff that baldness doesn't affect their game! /sarcasm


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apply minoxidil, comb my hair, dim the lights "damn I look o.k.", turn the lights on "my life is over", pace around the house cursing God, see myself in the mirror from afar "today is gonna be good, let's hit the gym", walk into the sunlight, see my reflection in car window "I just need to f*cking kill myself", put on a hat, drive to gym singing the entire way, arrive at gym, take off hat "what's the f*cking point", pace around locker room, leave gym, drive home and drink, cry myself to sleep, have nightmares about all my hair falling out, wake up at four a.m., freak the f*ck out, repeat.

It's sad how much of this I can relate to. Basically everything except wearing a hat.


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Seeing your reflection in the car mirror is always brutal when the sun is out.

Hairline looks like plugs.

Hat by day, hair by night routine


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I wake up. Look in the mirror. Become upset as my hairline is farther back than it was the day before.

I then take my Finasteride, pray to the hair gods and take a shower. The whole time checking my hands for hairs. And maybe use nizoral and pray some more.

Then I put on my hat and begin my day.


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And they get phone numbers!

Oh my god, for real?! Phone numbers! Holy, that's almost as good as sex itself! Maybe it'll even lead to a long lasting relationship!? LOL


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No one sees you like you see yourself in that mirror.

Don't torture yourself.

Fred, you're showing a new side that is quite refreshing... I don't know you too well, but are you feeling a bit more optimistic lately?