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  • Hello Shukwun, from your personal experience, you've said a test cycle is safe with finasteride? I'm hoping that is the case, would a basic test cycle cause me to lose ground? because finasteride blocks probably about 60 percent of DHT, would the massive spike in test cause more hair to fall out?
    test is generally safe. But there is no direct answer, as every case is individual. If you respond well to finasteride, and don't have any continued miniaturization then you should be in good hands to moderately cycle testosterone. But regardless of response, you are putting additional stress on your hair because of the increase in hormone circulation. .
    Hello shookwun, just asking to some senior members about their opinion on finasteride. Are you taking it yourself? If you did but stopped, why did you stop? In your experienced opinion, is justified the fear this treatment gets? Thanks, have a good day.
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