Age: 19, finishing first semester of sophomore year
Written: December 5th, 2015
Bad genetics on both sides of the family. Dad has some hair down the middle of his head, but he's noticeable bald. One uncle has some hair down the middle, although less than my father. All other uncles are completely bald, totally naked heads. My mother is seeing some light hair loss, she is 49-years-old.
I've never really worried about this before, my hair has always been extremely thick and quite strong, actually. It all started with the hair around my left temple looking a little thinner, but I never thought much of it, figured it was the way my hair "poofed" and curled upwards. A year later, now into sophomore year of college, I realized that the entire front of my hair was getting thinner. Most of the recession is happening at the hairlines on both sides, receding and splitting. Every month that goes by my hair looks thinner, this is all suddenly happening very fast. The shedding in the shower is very real.
Well, I decided to fight it. I ordered Nioxin shampoo (Level 1) and Pura Dor Argan Oil off of Amazon and figured that would be the end of it. The results from those happened quite quickly, I can confirm that my hair did get thicker, fuller, and healthier from using them. However, they have not and certainly will not do anything to address the hair loss. These shampoos have worked great to boost volume - but only impacted the healthy hairs. This has made it easier to mask the problem, making my hair fuller, but does not address the hair loss happening underneath the new volume. I then decided to start taking biotin (10,000) mcg every day to see if I could attain some hair growth, I have not seen results. I have a strong feeling that my facial hair has been growing faster and thicker, but I am not sure if that is a result of the biotin, perhaps just the last stage of puberty. At the time of writing this I have been using the two shampoos every day for 4 months and taking biotin every day for 2.5 months.
I have just ordered a 4 month's supply of Rogaine. Once it arrives, I will apply it twice a day for the entire 4 months and see if it helps. If not, I will have to give Propecia a try.
Negative. Genetics is bad on both sides of the family, hair loss for me is likely inevitable, but I'd like to delay it. Losing hair at 19 has really upset me, it's something that I think about every day. My goal is to make it to 30 without any noticeable hair loss. My father and uncles could not accomplish that goal, but they also did nothing about their hair loss. Another goal of mine is to marry a very good-looking woman, preferably one with good genetics when it comes to hair .
Kickboxing, hiking, biking, rock-climbing, anything nature related