Am I Too Pate

I fought hair loss for eight years from the age of 28 - 36 (give or take). I vividly remember the cold chill and quiet horror when I first realised. The denial stage was very brief. Replaced quickly by anger. It soon turned to a resolute determination to find a 'cure', leading to some 2,000 hours of research. Problem was, I didn't want to do 'drugs'. That conviction lasted for around eight years. Until it became clear I was either going completely bald ... or I was going to try conventional medications. The result is that I've tried A LOT of treatments and hit a lot of dead-ends. Which means I can share a lot of experience, both here and on my blog ( My advice in a nutshell: there is no cure (yet), but you can have mastery over the 'son of a b****' until there is. AITP

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