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  • Hey bro I just saw your comment on a post where you have mentioned that you are taking spironolactone from some time. Just wanted to ask whether 200mg a day dose will affect fertility in future? You have also mentioned that you visit doctor for regular checkups so has spironolactone affected your fertility in anyway ever since? Thanks and pls reply soon
    Hey man, I’m starting spironolactone because dutasteride alone hasn’t held my hair and I have sebum plugging which spironolactone can help due to its effects at higher dosages.. where did you get your spironolactone from? I got some from I house that I just started on. Started at 50mg for two days and now 75mg. I feel no different lol and I know spironolactone is supposed to smell minty, but that also makes me think these are just mints hahaha
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    Reactions: AmericanHairlines90
    Everything that you have mentioned makes complete sense to me. Thank you very much for reaching out.
    I’m assuming that I have a high concentration of 5ar in my scalp. That’s possibly why finasteride worked for me very well within a short period of time as it did for you and you have also explained why it stopped having such a good effect within a few months.
    At this point my hair is still growing and way much better than it was when I first started this journey. I’m hoping that spironolactone and dutasteride don’t completely fail me over time. Which could be possible though. But can I ask you, do you have any suggestions for me?
    I am thinking about taking some form of estrogen every once in a while in time if things get worse. I’m assuming that could help if things get really bad again. What would be your opinion to that as well.
    Thank you again. You have made alit if things make even sense by reading your posts. Cant explain how grateful I am.
    Dude, I hope you're doing fine with your hair. I just want to ask, how long do you intend to take spironolactone? Do you consider to stop it in the upcoming years? Thanks mate, all the best.
    All is going well with the hair. Thank you. I don’t plan on coming off of spironolactone any time soon.
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