I’m currently on topical min and 1mg finasteride 3 days per week.
imgetting married in 6 months and would love to boost some density. I bought oral min and considered adding that (maybe low dose)
can I take oral min with topical min?
also, I’m considering increasing finasteride. I have no sides at all so...
I’ve been trying to not constantly monitor my hairline but it’s obviously getting worse fast. It seems since I started minoxidil and then finasteride it is actually getting a fair amount WORSE. Started min a year ago, finasteride 6 months ago - on keto shampoo weekly, all the things I should be doing to slow...
Wondering why I just stumbled upon this but happy head has a subscription for an oral combination of min/finasteride/D
Not that I use happy head so this isn’t me trying to convince folks to didn’t uo just interested. Seems like a cool option
The itch is the biggest mystery of all. My itch is insane. finasteride hasn’t settled it down much. Clean eating helps a bit I think. Other than that constant itch and shed!
been posting / hanging around here for some years now. On .5mg finasteride, compound min once per day, keto once per week, microneedling once every 1-2 weeks and some expensive (likely not useful) supplements.
I still am loosing density and shedding (also the itch)
ultimately I realize given...
Haven't posted in a while. Earlier this year i decided to start treatments; one at a time. First of the year used Rogaine, Added topical finasteride in June, moved to oral finasteride once i was comfortable and didn't feel any sides (Around end of July/August). Been on 1mg M/W/F. I dermroll once per week...