
Recent content by drinkrum

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    How you girls doing? D.
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    Best Energy Supplement .. ?

    Modafinil is marketed as Alertec in Canada and Provigil in the U.S.and is dispensed as treatment for severe narcolepsy. It is an amphetamine derivative and allows you to stay awake for days without loss of productivity. It also does not interfere with your sleep should you decide to count sheep...
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    Test for DHT..?!

    Are your results slipping, socks? Otherwise, why would you consider taking more finasteride? And keep in mind that a 5 mg pill hardly blocks more 5-alpha reductase than a 1 mg amount. D.
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    Gym -> Good or Bad?

    It comes up because people want more excuses to not work out or ask chicks out. D.
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    Keeping Motivation

    Now you're talking brotha. I got a 500-gallon drum of KY waiting for you. D.
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    Best Energy Supplement .. ?

    Modafinil. D.
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    Gym -> Good or Bad?

    For Christ's sake, work out. There is absolutely no shred of evidence positively linking working out and baldness. D.
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    Keeping Motivation

    Gardener is gay. D.
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    4-6 reps , 6-8 or 8-10 for getting big

    I recommend doing 10-12 the first set, 8-10 the second set, and 6-8 the third set -- increasing the weight each time. Also, I recommend you change this stuff around every 6 weeks to keep your body from acclimatizing. D.
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    Best suppliment besides steroids

    Whey protein. D.
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    Let me chime in here for a second. When using steroids and finasteride or dutasteride together, as ikaponthus suggested, the choice of steroid becomes crucial. If you use something that has an affinity to aromatize, you're in for a big surprise. All the T that should've been converted to DHT...
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    Best Protein Shakes?

    I would avoid soy. Stick with whey. D.
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    need tips on diet for a vegetarian

    Great news, tech. Remember to take in enough carbs before working out and to get some protein in your system right after. D.
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    need tips on diet for a vegetarian

    Depends on the shake. Optimum Whey is just straight up protein -- no added calories. Muscle Milk is calorie-intensive, but it works like a charm and tastes amazing. It all depends on where the calories are coming from. Complex carbs, good fats, and protein are all good forms of calories that...
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    Story with Jude Law's hair?

    Yo Gunner, Most of those links don't work for me. Can you fix it? D.