Recent content by exwhyyou

  1. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Why do you REFUSSEEEE to try a different ester? I know you guys think I’m f*****g with you when I say it but enanthate was literally snake oil for me compared to cypionate. Literally broke out in cystic acne (worst case of my entire life) and lost 1/3 of my hair density in just over a month...
  2. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    some absolutely fire almas posting from april 2023
  3. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    lol 2+ years down the line and now i'm doing that same sh*t
  4. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    this is very cringe just take estrogen.
  5. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    i could if i wanted to. i don't. ever again. i don't feel the same on a day to day basis. i do feel suicidal but not over hair.
  6. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    It seems like everyone is hot on minoxidil right now so it’s a good time to ask, has anyone who takes E2 for hair successfully gotten off of minoxidil? I drink the liquid but never stopped applying it directly to my scalp and I’m so f*****g sick of the constant facial hair shadow and the body...
  7. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Those who are saying E2 doesn’t thicken hair are either not injecting or using the wrong ether. Reminding you all once again that when I switched from cypionate to enanthate it did severe damage to my skin and hair and switching back was fully effective in reverting the destruction. Certain...
  8. E

    New treatments coming out 2024 or max 2025.

    You're 38 and still care about orgasming
  9. E

    What should i do

    Well. then don't fear the reaper baby :D
  10. E

    What should i do

    Uh, I already said it in this thread cousin... are you serious about regrowing hair or just wasting time?
  11. E

    What should i do

    Time for estradiol and bica lil cousin
  12. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Now that I'm not stressed about my hair all the time, the new problem that HRT has brought into my life in return for that confidence is the inability to relate to anyone. I've had trouble hanging out with trans girls in the past because none of them I met were on HRT to save their looks...
  13. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Yeah but the bald guy maybe gets laid once or twice a year which would be impossible if he took HRT! All that matters is sex and testosterone!!!
  14. E

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    You will be fine if you follow the elders. I did and my hair looks great. Not that I don't stress about it, I do and I post about it here. But at the end of the day my hair looks better than most males my age even tho I started balding at 15, and this is because of estradiol injections.
  15. E

    New treatments coming out 2024 or max 2025.

    Estradiol injections and bicalutamide