
Recent content by FunkyMonkey

  1. F

    Noriko & Rene of Paris...

    Hi! I was wondering if any of you ladies have ever used either Noriko or Rene of Paris wigs. If so, what did you think of them? Were they comfortable and natural-looking? Thanks for any info.
  2. F

    Does it ever get any better?

    I'm considering going to another derm, too. One that specializes in female hair loss. The last derm sent me to an endocrinologist, who said that all my levels were normal. I have scalp pain also. I told the derm this, but she didn't seem to think it was of any concern. I thought that she would...
  3. F

    Scared and need support

    Hi, Cricket! Hey, I had a cat named Cricket once! :lol: Yeah, I know what you're going through. I've had thinning hair since I was 19 (I'm 23 now). I still have a normal amount of hair, but I'm afraid of what the future holds for my hair! People used to be jealous of my hair at one point, and...
  4. F

    Do Women like Balding Men?

    I personally like guys with clean shaven heads, especially if their head has a nice, even shape to it! If you feel that you would look better that way, then do it! If you present yourself with confidence, women will be attracted to you anyway! I don't know about other women, but as for me, I'm...
  5. F

    Hate full wigs..can't afford transplant. HEELLP!!

    Hi! You could try Jack Hanks in Ashland, KY. I don't know much else about it, but I think he gives free consultations. :)