
I'm not sure this small study from Japan is of any significance, I mean c'mon guys (hark back to your statistics classes). First, the sample size was waaaay too small, just makes it statistically insignificant. This would never make the recognized journals.

Second, what was the basis for the "excellent" or "good" results? (I mean an objective measure, not participants reporting their beliefs.)

Third, this is a race specific study (Asian). BTW, I've never seen a pileous Asian, which makes that study group an anomaly to begin with. It's well known that certain races have different types of hormones, digestive enzymes, etc. (i.e., Asians lack the enzyme to properly digest milk). I know we're all looking for the smallest of indicators to put ourselves in the possible success categories ("OMG - I can grow a full beard, so I fit into a category where Propecia will work for me!" or "I don't have a pube on my entire crotch, oh shoot, I won't respond to finasteride"). But this endless speculating based on low-quality data or jumps in logic is absurd!

It's so much more complicated than these quick summaries we're trying to glean from any information that may or may not even be true. Guys, there's something emotionally unhealthy about this (I've been guilty of doing this same type of thinking after reading these boards. Being here for long somehow creates weird, obsessive thoughts, connections and angers. I can't explain it fully, but I've seen it over time in other posters whom I've followed for awhile - thinking becomes thwarted, angry, obsessive, sometimes logic becomes fuzzy. There'll be groups who'll gang up on certain people in this mob mentality state. Others will be glorified in a kind of "halo effect.")

The purpose of this post is to reach out to those, who, like me may have been following in mostly silence, slowly being dragged into this emotional pit of unnatural fluctuations of despair - a rabbit hole of good people and some not so good people. Some hawkers and trolls - and some really good honest and courageous, helpful people. Weeding out who's what and what info is real or useful is exhausting. Putting together tinctures of different recipes and remedies based on anecdotal info - and then getting discouraged if it doesn't work. It's endless, seems futile and is not healthy. For God's sake - do the big three. Grow hair and be done!

I'm going the Law of Attraction way. What you think about you get. Thus I propose a damn name change on this forum to "HairGrowthTalk." Mother Theresa never went to an Anti-War rally, but instead only went to Peace rallies for the very reason I'm proposing this. Believe it or not - agree or not - none of that is my concern, as I can only make the point.

Best of luck to you all. Peace and success to you in every way you that is important to you.
Chattanooga, TN