
Recent content by Ilia

  1. I

    Anybody Ever Try Using Fluridil (eucapil)?

    i also use eucapil, 2 month already, also noticed shedding but all stuff that works does it.... no side effects, some hair strength. but now there is no alternative to eucapil in my case cause i had sides from finasteride it's simple, everybody see the effect of finasteride+min so i was prescribed...
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    Regeus Gurusbiopharm Russia Goes For Fda Approval

    use disinfection man in 21 century! long term-see progress after microneedling with all growth factors and stimulating factors, you have it inside. i saw great results! also check articles about young blood/plasma infusions in old persons.
  3. I

    Regeus Gurusbiopharm Russia Goes For Fda Approval

    ok, i will post trichological photos before and after and overall progress.
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    Regeus Gurusbiopharm Russia Goes For Fda Approval

    so everyone of you didn't have any sides after minoxidil/finasteride/duta? i had that's why i try alternative like regeus+eucapil, if it will not fully work, microneedlling is effective and safer vs min+finasteride. i will try regeus+eucapil for 6-12 month and if it will be not successful i will use...
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    Regeus Gurusbiopharm Russia Goes For Fda Approval

    Hi, nitrolipins goes for FDA approval. Regeus(GBPh)+Applied biology(USA) make this step to clear up! Great. web:, skolkovo foundation- scam most of the times but sometimes....fires... they have youtube/insta/facebook there are photos before and after(tricholog)
  6. I

    Reversing Wrinkled Skin And Hair Loss In Mice By Restoring Mitochondrial Function.

    now i try Regeus----> nitrolipins and will post results after 6 month. i make photos before use under thrichologist guidance...
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    Reversing Wrinkled Skin And Hair Loss In Mice By Restoring Mitochondrial Function.

    i'm a doctor, i take mitoq 10mg(2caps morning) for like 3 years already, EOD or when i remember, 80% of time after i take 2 pills 2-3hours later a receive headache and 20mg will be not good for me.... and i saw all this studies.... in my case wrinkles(33-36y.o+ also after...
  8. I

    Reversing Wrinkled Skin And Hair Loss In Mice By Restoring Mitochondrial Function.

    i use mitoq+skq1 for 3 years already +deuterium depleted water ---->without any good hair regrowth and wrinkles stay where they were....
  9. I

    Anyone Has Experience With The Growband ?

    i used growband for 6 month, no results, i sent it back for refund. they have facebook group, i didn't see any real results with photos there. when 1st time i used growband hairs becomes energized,but after 3-5 days they become the same.... i compared this effect with monoxidil and minoxidil was...
  10. I

    What Do You Think Is The Cause Of Testicular Pain After Taking Finasteride? Please Help Me If You Ha

    check 2020 papers on finasteride and duta on liver damage, steatosis, diabetes, dry eye and so on...besides libido, depression....
  11. I

    New Patent Mitochondrial Cream Growing Hair More Effective Than Csa

    p.s rogaine makes my hair energized for 2-3 days or even more!
  12. I

    New Patent Mitochondrial Cream Growing Hair More Effective Than Csa

    i use mitoq and skq1 for long time(more then 3 years already)-no effect. after i apply direct mitoq serum/skq1 to hair it energize but for half a day. no new regrowth!
  13. I

    Growband Scalp Massage Device? Snake Oil Or Promising?

    I used growband, you can read in their Facebook about my(krassiivanov) and other experiences, no effect after 6 month, 3-4 people returned device back for money refund, I did it also! hair guard hair lotion I think is better, I use it for 4-5 month already but no effect still...
  14. I

    Growband? Anyone Heard Of This, Seems New?

    no result, sent it back and received cash back.