Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't women go through the same balding as diffuse male thinners, whereby random follicles get a message to go into catagen permanently, but the follicle itself remains fully formed. Yet Norwood balders go through the cycle of miniaturisation after each cycle until they...
Interesting, it seems for responders this could be close to a cure with continued use, the non responders probably have additional genetic machinery that needs to be suppressed
Yep, NW6/7s are preferable as they won't be quitting from any shed (as there's nothing to shed) and any regrowth will be legit and not seasonal variation. Also means if it works on them it's likely to work on everyone too. Feel like this should become the standard in clinical trials for AA too.
Out of curiosity, did you do 10ml of min in 10 different applications during the day or just increase the amount applied morning and evening? I personally found benefits using min 3 times a day, so a total daily dose of 3ml, but stopped due to it being quite arduous to keep up and of course the...
It's an interesting observation, but I don't think I've seen a case of a bald twin and the other a NW1, just more like lagging a little behind. I think environmental factors do play a role, but ultimately don't decide your destiny.
Who knows we need to see results first, until I start seeing NW7s getting their juvenile hair back we're still far from a cure.
On a slightly different note, I wish studies would start evaluating results on terminal hair growth only across the industry. A lot of the time they just mention hair...
I remember reading about Botox having some effect on regrowth, but I don't think it works better than existing treatments otherwise everyone would be doing it.
If this works close to a cure then every pharmaceutical company under the sun will be researching the prolactin pathway for alternative angles to attack, we'll eventually get a cheap treatment, but it might take 10 years..
Interesting, is it the prolactin receptor inhibition that is causing this result? In which case, if it works as well to justify the price, a plethora of prolactin receptor antagonists will come out... OR is it the act of modulating the immune system itself to target these receptors and the...
Interesting, here miniaturised vellus hair turned into thick terminal hair in a single hair cycle in immunodeficient mice.
Presumably reversing the age of follicle cells could reset them to producing full normal hairs again, for some that might require reversing to a pre adolescent age.
In any event this research is interesting
It's been so long since I've had a teenage hairline, I've forgotten exactly what my goal should be. Can any NW0s chime in and say if they've got some skin that doesn't crease before their hairline begins?