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  • Hair growth is a natural process incluidng 3 phase:
    Anagen : follicle attached to blood vessel - resulting hair grow
    Catagen : follicle di-attached blood vessel - hair remain in skin without growing
    Catagen - hair fallout

    If anyone phase is disturbed it means it has got an internal problem which varies from person to person

    Find the root cause for hair loss.
    Once you find the root cause for your hairloss then rest is easy.

    Causes may be following but not limited to following

    1)DHT ( if testosterone produce more then 10% of dht in the body it causes harmonal disbalance)
    2)skin in sensitive to dht which iscproduced in access (dht cannot effect if your skin is not sensitive to it)
    3)nutrition deficiency in blood! (Check for it in google)
    4)scalp thinning ( improve intestinal & bone marrow health)
    (You can find thin scalp area will have less hair)
    5)blood flow disturbance( take scalp hijama or cupping therapy for this)
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