
Recent content by Olorin

  1. O

    Graham's story (23 years old) (pics)

    There's nothing wrong with you. Your hairline is maturing. Same exact thing happened to me.
  2. O

    ScottyE's story - (age 16, baldness as a teen)

    Re: ScottyE's struggle with developing baldness as a teen In the end, fighting this is a long agonizing battle that you cannot win . Take a nice hard look at your future. 15 years of slapping creams and liquids that smell like the unwashed side of a donkey *** onto your head and pretending...
  3. O

    From Denial to Acceptance: Confidence Restored

    YOU WIN THE INTERNET ODELAY! I'm glad that you're so over this. What are you doing here again? :)
  4. O

    Eaglehead's story - (Rogaine@23, hair transplant+finasteride+minoxidil@25, now 30)

    Re: My story; Rogaine@23, hair transplant+Propecia+minoxidil@25, and now...30 Hair is the least of your worries. Lose the wife. Seriously.
  5. O

    Olorin's story - (Hello again)

    Hello dear readers. My name is Olorin and I have returned. Where have I been in these 5 years that I have been gone? Oh the stories I could tell... but won't! Once in the mid 2003's I thought I was losing my hair. I was! But only in that gentle sloping that maturity oft brings. In the meantime...
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    By a third?? That's ridiculous. ZMA is just zinc and magnesium and B-5 I think. Unless you're half dead it isn't going to do anything for your test levels
  7. O

    Disappearence of all the old posters.

    Don't worry..... I'm back
  8. O

    Don't fight it

    While we sit and grapple endlessly with the invisible enemy, there are things that we could be doing Important things. That are not being done. Because we're not doing them. WHo will save the endangered Two Nose Caterpillar of Argentina? Maybe Bombscience. But maybe not. Not now. It will...
  9. O


    Thanks guys. Even you in the back. Yeah. You. With the pickle.
  10. O


    What's the good word my hairless little monkey friends? I'm still losing my hair, but I got married a few months ago so I gained a bunch of hair in the tradeoff. GOod times. I wrote this poem for all of us hurting baldies Hair floats into the night air once grappled with hooks into soft...
  11. O

    The cure for hairloss is here my friends

    I watched this for 8 hours. When I wokeup thenext day, I had a full head of hair. Try it.
  12. O

    Transdermal Prohormones - Opinions please from lifters.

    Remember that prohormones affect the body just like steroids do. Good idea for the post cycle, but you dont necessarily have to keep the nolva for the end. As soon as you feel any tingling, swelling or soreness in the nipple area start at about 20mg of Nolva a day. Don't wait too long, once the...
  13. O

    Avoiding long-term side effects

    I agree highly with checking blood levels. I believe everyone should do this regardless of finasteride.
  14. O

    Growout Pics Volume #1

    I think somebody that looked like xzel used to beat up Booley in high school.
  15. O

    Best nizoral routine- Poll

    I drink it. It's Niztastic!