
Recent content by R Man

  1. R

    Changing Bangs: A Sign Of Hair Loss?

    Other than ‘the itch’, it’s been loss of density in my fringe (bangs) that has been the biggest indicator of hair loss. I had a sort of emo style from 17 until recently (30) where it almost looks a bit pathetic when I style it now. From the few photos you’ve uploaded, your hair looks fine. Try...
  2. R

    I Just Want To Know What Norwood I Am...

    I know there’s no way of actually knowing, but are you talking slick bald or like, significantly balding?
  3. R

    I Just Want To Know What Norwood I Am...

    I am 29. I was told 3v by a man that works at a laser clinic for hair restoration.
  4. R

    I Just Want To Know What Norwood I Am...

    Hey, thanks for the reply. At worst I’ve been told a 3v from a laser therapy clinician. I’ve got ‘the itch’, increased shedding, noticeably reduced volume and my hair just gets very greasy, very quickly. All the major signs :( Here is a close up of the temple recession...
  5. R

    I Just Want To Know What Norwood I Am...

    Please look at the included photos and tell me what Norwood I am. I have had been told different things by different ‘professionals’ and so feel a little lost. I know I am balding, I just want to know what the current state is. Thank you.
  6. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    Hey Everyone, Thank you to all that have posted above. I will be starting finasteride when I come back from holiday next month. From reading around, would you agree that this is the best course of action to take: 1. Ask GP for a blood test to measure all relevant hormones before starting. 2...
  7. R

    DHT Itch and shedding driving me mad!

    DHT Itch and shedding driving me mad!
  8. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    How bad is this now? My scalp is driving me insane and this looks so much worse than my photos in March...?
  9. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    Thanks Hollow. Hopefully others will see the thread too and offer some insight.
  10. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    Hi Hollow, Thank you for your response. Do you have any comments regarding the temple photo?
  11. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    Here is a shot of my crown after a workout. I'm still suffering from I believe is the DHT itch and my hair is still more limp than it was before all this began, but I'm still able to style it most days, despite it needing a lot more time. Going to see my doctor this coming Wednesday about a...
  12. R

    The Early Stages - Should I Be Preparing For War?

    Hello everyone, just wanted to update with another photo of what is now obvious temple recession. My question is: where am I on the Norwood Scale?