Recent content by RatherGoBlindThanSeeItGo

  1. R

    There Has Been Almost No News Recently

    Last year was big though.. Still got some horses in the race. Who know what else will pop up this year
  2. R

    Finasteride Dose Dependent Efficiency

    Anecdotal, but I did low dose. First thing I did 1mg ED for a week and EoD for 2 more. I then quit because I was never getting spontaneous erections anymore, and low semen volume. A week after I quit my hairfall decreased drastically (I'm NW2 but shedding many thin hairs on the top of my head)...
  3. R

    Curious If Any New Treatments Have Mentioned Being Able To Replace Finasteride?

    It's not like there were any effective alternatives lying around waiting to be sold. Can't blame them for trying. I'm grateful they are backing Replicel.
  4. R

    What Ive Noticed With Scalp Burning

    My scalp itches and burns most when I touch it all the time. Makes a huge difference if I keep my hands off it.
  5. R

    Are Any Of You Losing Leg Hair As Well

    My dad has no leg hair left and he is still NW0. As far as I know it happens in old age, especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure.
  6. R

    Found Brand New Article On Replicel And Their 2017 Outlook

    "We look forward to data from the Japanese RCH-01 (pattern baldness) study anticipated sometime in 2018 and continue to develop our own plans around the asset for markets outside Asia." "We believe that Japan's unique regenerative medicine regulatory and industry environment provides a unique...
  7. R

    Why Do Older Guys Lose Hair If Testosterone/dht Decreases With Age?

    This is completely anecdotal, but my brother's father is in his sixties and he looks like his baldness has barely progressed in the last 10 years. I doubt he's on finasteride because it's too far gone to save, and it doesn't look like he cares, but I could be wrong (he could have prostate...
  8. R

    Italy Is So Hot Right Now , Really Hot

    Google Translated, seems like they are actually talking about PRP mixed with insuline.
  9. R

    Food For Thought. No Advance Of Bald Areas

    I think this is a reasonable explanation. My dad is 61 and has the same straight hairline he's always had, literally 0 recession, but his hair is getting thinner. Pretty sure it's not late-onset diffuse balding because the same is happening to his eyebrows and his legs (practically hairless on...
  10. R

    Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

    Don't let your well-being depend on external factors like whether or not the Brotzu lotion will be a success. You will set yourself up for disappointment, because even though it's good to have hope, whether or not any individual treatment will be a success depends on many factors outside of our...
  11. R

    Histogram To Present At A Few Upcoming Conferences

    Well it had to be said because every time someone posts these photos there are people who praise the amazing progress the photos show, but they really don't.
  12. R

    Histogram To Present At A Few Upcoming Conferences

    My gripe with histogen is that it's just not clear enough to see significant improvement. Sorry, I don't care much for looking at the same 12-week photo that might show some tiny progress. It looks like it might be promising (active word in this sentence is MIGHT) but if it really was promising...
  13. R

    "lord Tsuji, Give The Humans Sea Otter Density Soon, Thank You."

    In our next lives we deserve to be reincarnated as the hairiest of hairy animals. This will be me.
  14. R

    Application Of Crispr To Androgenic Alopecia.

    Seems to me like male pattern baldness is mostly genetic so I don't see why CRISPR shouldn't be able to edit specific genes provided we are able to locate the genes and understand the process that leads to male pattern baldness, which we currently don't. It really sounds like pie in the sky for now but I wonder about if/when they...