1) I'd probably buzz it. Idk how short, up to you. Your hair probably doesn't look as bad as it does in the photos (in normal daily situations). But one of the advantages of having a good hairline is that you still have that framing your face well, so you kinda look like a normal (non-balding)...
Hey dude!
Yeah it's the same it has been since I got my initial results with minoxidil in 2014. So it's been stable for 4 years. I used to have seasonal/random sheds for the first two years (which is normal), but I haven't had any real shedding periods in the last two years. (Or if I did, I didn't...
Hey guys, I figured I'd post a yearly update here since it's been like 10 months since I last posted anything. Not sure if I'll do one of these anymore - unless asked - since I've been on the meds for like 5 years now, so things are stable.
The only reason I am doing this is just to give some...
Thank you!
I don't have any inflammation or related scalp issues that I can think of. I used to have some inflammation right in the beginning of starting Finasteride (see first page pics), but I think that was more to do with the fact I was visiting Japan for a month during the insanely hot...
The best-looking guy I know is a 6'2 dude with incredibly good features, frame and he is in top condition. Also a super likeable and a charismatic guy.
...But he went bald really early. Literally NW6 that he keeps buzzing. sh*t is tragic. Although that being said, he is successful in his field...
I wake up relatively happy. I like the lighting in my bathroom so I usually feel pretty great, looking in the mirror. Not to say I consider myself to be godly good-looking, but because I have been in situations in past years where I would look into the mirror and see a wispy forelock that is...
Good stuff, but I would recommend sticking to finasteride and the traditional stuff for at least one year before hopping on any additional treatments. Being on finasteride is essential, so it's good you got that part checked. Results can take time. 4 months is not that long on minoxidil either, could be getting...
Thanks a lot. :)
I agree with what you said. Cowlick area is easy to fix and conceal - in normal lighting and angles it doesn't look as thin as it is in those pics, and it already looks alright. It honestly also depends on how much minoxidil is clumping up those hairs at a given time - kinda...
Just for you!
Some pics I took literally just now, after a morning shower + applying minoxidil foam.
Not much to say. I am still on finasteride (1.25mg per day, generic 5mg pills cut into quarters), and I try to do minoxidil twice a day. I do liquid (5%) at night, and foam (5%) in the mornings. Some...
To me, that vertex thinning looks like male pattern baldness. The two first pics are pretty brutal. Looks a little like my hair when I first started losing it (vertex going, and having that kind of hair texture all over, which I can't really pinpoint or put into words eloquently).
How is your hairline and the...
Oh really? Haha well thanks I guess - but I don't wanna lose the battle! (Who would?) Still, thanks for the message and the positivity.
I've gotten a lot of information and hope from here - if I didn't eventually find my way to here from google in like 2010ish (before I got on any treatments or...
It's hard to say, because many people double dip with minoxidil and Finasteride, including myself, so giving you an account of my results would mean that I am describing the drugs' efficacy as a combo, rather than what minoxidil-only would do.
That being said, I was off Finasteride for about 9-10...
Just wanted to drop by and report that I've been on finasteride for roughly 3 weeks again, in addition to which I am now applying minoxidil twice a day again. The great news is that I got a 6-month supply of the foam (5%) now. Meaning, I am doing foam during the days and liquid (5%) at night.
I literally...