Recent content by resu

  1. resu

    My RARE Diffuse Crown Thinning Story with Pictures

    It's not rare, at the crown it usually starts diffuse. On the temples they usually recede but they often diffuse too. Just keep the treatment, part the hair and apply the gel in the trail, that's how I applied minoxidil gel.
  2. resu

    Phase 2 for GT20029 begins in China

    Seems very promising.
  3. resu

    What happened to hair loss forums in general?

    Google also priorities reddit, everyone will go there to look for answers.
  4. resu

    What happened to hair loss forums in general?

    The hype is gone, remember the brotzu lotion? Just fake hope. Information is more commonly known now, you know your options, FUE is the standard now, even normies know about finasteride+minoxidil.
  5. resu

    New treatments coming out 2024 or max 2025.

    The next treatment is coming out 5 years from now, it always is.
  6. resu

    Follica - New Patent Published 2017 - Needling Device And Drug Applicator

    I've had this tab saved for 7 years! Nothing will ever come out, I'm still waiting for the official Breezula.
  7. resu

    Why don't NW6-7s just transplant all their head hair on top and body hair to the sides and back?

    You mean transplant all the hair on the sides and back to the top, probably because of scarring and if you're at the NW6-7 stage there isn't much to work with.
  8. resu

    Some questions about long term COVID hair loss (1.5 - 2 years)

    Hair loss from Covid? You can believe whatever you want but if you have Androgenetic Alopecia there's only two drugs approved to treat hair loss. Oils and everything else wont do a thing.
  9. resu

    Please revive this forum (I miss this forum)

    Remember the latisse hype? Those were the days.
  10. resu

    Are you looking for a potential cure?

    I meant people posting interesting results not that they would be pioneers in a treatment. I don't know, all I'm talking about is that I've never seen any results from these experimental drugs alone.
  11. resu

    Are you looking for a potential cure?

    There were forums in the past that did these type of group buys, I don't remember anything substantial coming out from any of them. Only seen that wounding protocol from reddit having some interesting results.
  12. resu

    Has brand name Propecia been discontinued?

    It's the same formula, QC might vary with the generics, can't you just get Proscar and cut it? As long as you cut the pills evenly you'll get your daily dose.
  13. resu

    Are you looking for a potential cure?

    None of that stuff has worked, or worked better than min+finasteride, I can't use either but I wouldn't be doing lab rat testings on myself. Good luck to those who will and hope your wallet has deep pockets.
  14. resu

    InovAUGMET Research - Indian Hair Loss Company

    I trust this man, I can't wait. Seriously though, at this point in time you need AGI to figure out on how to treat this condition.