ok thanks u are advice i think he is right than is it better to start minoxdil 2%
or first to start proscar and nizoral and after few times he can add minoxidil .
i just take him some pictures and said to him u dont need to start proscar so plz just look his pictures and tell us what is u are advice ,,,,
http://img145.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 007hr6.jpg
http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 003jy9.jpg...
ok this is my last pic i took it today so i dont know if is it working or not , it is about 3 mouths , so plz i need advice ,
iam using now nizoral 1% and proscar 1/5
http://img496.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 1011eb.jpg
http://img496.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 1022fv.jpg
ok thanks for ure replay , i will add moltivitamin , and i will change that shampo into nizoral , if ican coue in our country i cant find nizoral i think i must look for in the net ,
iam takin now about one mounth fina and roscure shampo it is like nizorale 1% ? or i must add minoxdil 5% i dont know realy . this is my pictures now ,
plz i need ure advice thanks
it is hard to split porscar in to five peaces iknow but i split with normal knife and drink it evry day one pease , i just wanted to know only , if there is athere thinks to add ,
i dont know . and thanks any way for ure replay.
hi all and thanks for ure advice , so i started to take proscar 1/5 in 28 demcember 05. and hope to get worked , i also use rooscure it is like nizorale . so this is my picture i tooke it taday mayby u can add it somethink .
so this is my all pic...
ok i will add some proscar as u said will i use both together ? i mean minoxdil 5% and finasterad 5mg daily?
and about the shampo in our country we cant find nizoral 2% but we have anther shampo it is rooscure 1% it has also Ketoconazole so i think it is enough ....
no realy iam just starting these thinks , couse iam losing my front hair .
and heard if i use minoxdil 5% i will get it back and also if i add like nizorale 2% will be better .
hey gys i have one problem too iam losing my temple too and i have purchased one year minoxdil 5% so is it enogh to use it or i need to add anther think?
ok thanks gys u realy helped me , but there is one think about the payment it says ,Intgold (same that Paypal) http://www.intgold.com
so i have paypal but not that name , i think i must sign up for that site and use it is it that way they mean?