
Recent content by talmoode

  1. T

    Is this regrowth?

    Hi I have them for years now. With flashlight on, mine looks exactly like yours but they never grow longer than that. This doesn't mean that yours will too. Good luck.
  2. T

    Quitting Finasteride. What's normal / not normal?

    hi I am no expert but I have heard that Finasteride stays in one's body for a week . so give it more time. Not sure about the pinching pain you have in the lower shaft of your penis maybe it is all in your mind (or not). If symptoms persist, please go see a doctor. cheers
  3. T

    finasteride shed question

    it depends. I have heard that some people didn't shed at all and had good regrowth.
  4. T

    Is It Possible To Shed After 7 Months???

    I don't know the difference between the two but if you are afraid that the one you are using now is fake or not as effective as the other one, why don't you change back to the previous one? that will give you peace of mind. Also yes, it is possible that you can shed after 7 months. If I were...
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    hahaha - - - Updated - - - you mean hair on your head, right? lol...As far as I know, you don't need to but it will cost you more as it is much harder for a surgeon to do the transplant.
  6. T

    Patrick Stewarts hair loss

    in that video clip, he talks about how baldness runs in his family.
  7. T

    Should I swtich back to Rogaine? Or is the higher hairloss just normal aging?

    you could try Rogaine in the mornings and the other one at nights. cheers
  8. T

    Progress thus far

    um I think I can see a bit of thinning going on...I would go see a hair specialist to see what's with the thinning patches on top of your head..
  9. T

    For anyone that doubts Nizorals effectiveness...........

    it is not recommened using Salfate if you have sensitive skin or some sort of skin issues such as dermatitis.
  10. T

    Progress thus far

    to be honest, your hair looks fine. Maybe the hair color on your temples is lighter than the rest?
  11. T

    Where are people getting those $50 discount coupons for Propecia?

    um, I have never seen a post about a $50 off coupon.
  12. T

    My hair transplant with Rahal - 4129 Grafts (8893 Hairs)

    very good! Would you mind posting a picture with your hair pulled back?
  13. T

    Getting DHT levels tested (UK)

    Ask your GP for blood tests (testosterone and DHT).
  14. T

    Propecia dosage

    people take 1mg because it is the recommened dosage but I hear 0.5mg is just as good as 1mg. some say that finasteride has a flat does response but others say otherwise. I guess it all boils down to how your body reacts to it. cheers
  15. T

    Starting a regimen with no history of hairloss in family?

    a picture or two may help to see what's going on with your hair. cheers..