
Recent content by thenational

  1. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    Small update My hair is really starting to shed now, i guess the proscar is starting to leave my system. On the plus side my erection has been better than ever, after a rocky few weeks a while ago it has definitely been back to its old self. I am half tempted to go back on proscar if i'm to...
  2. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    No weight loss, i've put on 2 stone in fact (28 pounds) for rugby over the whole period of taking proscar.
  3. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    Yeh nerves are a crazy thing, i think a great deal of it is/may have been a psychological issue. I felt the worst thing possible for me was reading up on the horror stories of propecia side effects and thinking my ED may never go away. It can be quite an easy thing for your mind to convince you...
  4. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    I've been deciding should i go back on. But this was my thinking on it: Women will get with men who are bald. Women will get with men who have hair. No women are going to want to stay with men who can't perform in bed. Fooling around with a women in bed and not getting hard was one of the worst...
  5. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    3 and a half years on proscar and it has more than likely come to an end. About a month ago i started seeing a new girl and well to say i had trouble in bed would be an understatement i could barely even wack myself off. I had no libido and my erections were less than desirable, it was as...
  6. thenational

    Kill almost every side effect of dutasteride/finasteride

    Great information in the OP Just what i was looking for
  7. thenational

    How to improve erections

    Interesting read. Not sure about popping more pills to counter act something that is probably caused by taking pills in the first place
  8. thenational

    Re: Thenational's Story -3yr update- 4yrs proscar - Stopped

    Re: Thenational's Story - 3yr update - 4yrs on proscar Well thought i'd update this page I have to say its pretty damn interesting reading back over this thread. I almost seemed like a mad man on a quest to save his hair at all costs possible I'm 24 now and am very comfortable with where my...
  9. thenational

    VERY low dose of finasteride - bad idea?

    Coming up to 5 years on proscar No problems down below or anywhere else for that matter I break it up into quarters and take 25mg of zinc daily as well
  10. thenational

    Just past the 4 year mark on proscar... Side effects maybe?

    Thanks for the advice Enden, much appreciated. I'l give an update in due course
  11. thenational

    Just past the 4 year mark on proscar... Side effects maybe?

    No im too young for it to be a "getting older" issue, im only 23 with a fairly physical day to day life. The morning erections aren't a problem i still get them, but its much more of a softer erection than in the past, my libido is still the same as mid to high. I do appreciate the advise its...
  12. thenational

    Just past the 4 year mark on proscar... Side effects maybe?

    Well as it says on th title i've been on proscar for 4 years. Recently i've had a bit of trouble maintaining a stiffy. Has anyone ever had similar experiences with prolonged use of finasteride? I don't know if this can be bypassed or if its just in my mind, but im going to keep a close eye on...
  13. thenational

    Adam Levine (maroon 5 singer) hair transplant?

    I was just looking for a new hairstyle and couldn't help but notice the singer from maroons 5 hairstyle. It seems as though it gets better with age. Two photos from 03 or 04 Him with some lass in 06 And then suddenly a pretty much full head of hair What do you guys think, a piece, the...
  14. thenational - anyone has any experience with it ?

    I went with them a few times, they are safe in my opinion. However they will most likely send you a load of junk male along with your official confirmation. So use a second email account if possible? And the 10% discount is a handy bonus + they re shipped my meds when they got seized by customs
  15. thenational

    Townes Story - (21 / pics!)

    Re: Townes (21 y/o male) - Pics Yeh i think you are starting to loose it with some small minor miniturization. Your whole hairline will probably recede as opposed to just the temples. A big forehead is the most likely outcome, i know this because it seems like the same pattern as me. Im 23...