I have had hair loss since I was 18 years old. Mainly I have diffuse thinning and until now I thought I had androgenetic alopecia. I used Minoxidil and it was very effective. Now I have almost full of hair (hair loss on forehead happens also), but it is getting thinner. I am suspicious that I...
Traction alopecia is a kind of hair loss caused by pulling the hair excessively tightly, which damages the hair follicles and prevents them from developing healthy hair. It is especially common in those who have tight braids, cornrows, or other hairstyles that exert a lot of strain on the hair...
Therapy approaches - Alopecia Areata
The honest and sobering realization about Alopecia Areata is unfortunately that there is currently no cure. And also the existing therapies are either - if they work at all - only effective until they are discontinued, or they are of a rather questionable...
Hi everyone,
last month I felt a painful bump on top of my head when I woke up. It was so sensitive that it would hurt with facial expression. I visited GP and was told that it may be a bug bite or some sort of insect. However, the bump/lump did not have any opening head. Just a very painful...
Alopecia areata is a disorder where you lose your hair in circular patches from the scalp, moustache and beard area. It can be a localised disorder or can even extend to other parts of your body. Alopecia can occur over the body as well. Both the sexes can suffer from this and it can also be...
I was wondering if anyone could help me with an idea of what type of hair loss I have and what to I can do treatment wise. I know you guys aren’t doctors but anything helps. I put some pics on here to help out. Some pictures look better than other some in direct sunlight and some not. My hair...
About two months ago I had a bump on the back of my scalp.
I also had a lymph node enlarged at the back of my neck.
My primary care doctor shrugged it off and said it was probably a hair follicle infection and to give it a couple months.
We are a couple months in and now I have a nickel sized...
Hey everyone,
A about a month ago I noticed this bald spot on my scalp but no recieding hairline. So i went and got scalp analysis and there is barely any miniaturized hair. There is no balding history in my family no both sides. All uncles and grandparents have full heada of hair. The first...
Stem cell therapy as a novel therapeutic intervention for resistant cases of alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia.
Elmaadawi IH; a Department of Dematology and Venereology , Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University , Tanta , Egypt.
Mohamed BM; a Department of Dematology and...
Im not sure if i had it before because i never took a look at the back of my head. I looked it up and it seems to be AA but everyone that has AA has a bigger spot/gets worse while mine stayed like this.
What can it be?
Hey, here's my case. Would love some feedback if anyone has had a similar experience.
I'm 29, family history of male pattern baldness with both grandfathers, although my father didn't start losing his hair until his 40s. I started to notice some thinning around age 24, and started taking Finasteride at that...
Hi Guys,
I hope everyone treating Alopecia Areata are doing just fine.
I have a story to share with you guys and I hope it makes sense and proves helpful to others.
I am a long time Alopecia Areata sufferer and I noticed my first bald spot on my beard in 2009 and it just continued since then...
So I went to get routine haircut at new barbershop for my 25th birthday. During the cut the guy said I had a small bald spot, but he said this towards the end of my cut why he was shaving my part line with a straight razor. I thought he just messed up. After a few weeks, the spot grew. Went to...
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has emerged as a new treatment option for Clostridium difficile-infected (CDI) patients, but two new case studies highlight another possible condition for which FMT may be beneficial: alopecia areata (AA).
One case involved a 38-year-old male with alopecia...
Hello my name is Izabela im 23 years old and Iv realised couple bald patches on my scalp about 2 months ago .. when I realised one of my patches just above my ear thats when I started to check my whole head and thats when I found another 3 .. 1 just behind my other ear and 2 behing just above my...