
am i balding

  1. P

    23 yo Concerned About Balding

  2. B

    Oh god am I balding?

    My moms dad has a full head of hair but my dad has a huge bald spot, I am terrified of losing my hair but just be honest lol. Am i balding?
  3. U

    Am I Diffuse Thinning? 19 Years Old.

    Included are three photos: one of dry hair, one wet and combed back, and third is parted. I also have some pretty bad dandruff, if that means anything. If it is diffuse thinning what would be the best course of action?
  4. G

    Is This A Mature Hairline Or Receding?

    So I’m just trying to figure out if my hairline is just a maturing hairline or not. I’m 23 rn and the black and white photo is from when I was 19 and the blonde is from 20. My father never really had any hair loss. But he passed at 58 and if I remember correctly he didn’t go passed a Norwood 2 but my...
  5. E

    Where On The Norwood Scale Am I? 25 Years Old

    Hi nearly 25 years old and I was wondering if I am balding/where on the Norwood scale am I? Additional info: Very thick hair, especially on top and around crown, however just concerned (maybe paranoid haha) about the temples and front and temple hairline on the other hand has seemed...
  6. B

    Am I Thinning Please Let Me Know Thank You

    Hello I’ve never really checked out my crown or hair until today and I was curious as to if I was thinning, my hair has always been the finest/thinnest hair and I didn’t mind it and my hair is curly/frizzy I want to know what you guys think and I’ve never really checked out my hair and ever...
  7. A

    Is My Crown Normal I Need Help Please

    Hello, I’m a 19 year old with no history of family members with hair loss (literally) the only one I see is one of my uncles with a little receeded hairline that is still thick but looks more like a mature hairline, anyway so I’ve been realising how my crown doesn’t have a whirl unless I shave...
  8. J

    I Am 18, Am I Balding??? Please Answer And What Should I Use If I Am And Is It Curable

    Am i balding?? I’ve had this hairline for a long time but i barley actually started worrying...
  9. J

    I’m 18, Am I Balding?? Please Help Me

    I’m really scared, i don’t wanna go bald because i have an ugly head. Please tell me... and what to help me if i am
  10. J

    Is This A Maturing Hairline Or Worse

    Hi guys So recently I have been noticing some changes in my hairline. Just 6 months ago it was basically straight now it's taking on more of a U shape. I'm hoping it is just a mature hairline but unfortunately that may not be the case as there has been some slight thinning on the top of the...
  11. D

    Question: What Is Going On With My Hairline?

    I'm 17, and I know that my hairline is changing. I've been undergoing heavy amounts of stress, and I'm super paranoid that I'm balding because my dad started going bald at 17, however his dad didn't go bald until way later, and all of my mom's side has a full head of hair. the pics at the...
  12. R

    Am I Losing Hair Or Just Losing My Mind

    Looking through old photos, I think I have less hair than I used to. I am 24 and my mother's father lost his hair very early. Other places I have read say blonde hair can be thinner to begin with. Here are some photos. First is normal, second is pulled back, and final is brushed to the other...
  13. Z

    Am I Balding? If So I Need Advice On What I Should Do.

    Hello! I am a 19 year old male I have noticed my hairline raise slightly. I'm not sure if this is a mature hairline or the early stages of balding. If it is the latter I would like to control it while its in its early stages (if possible). After noticing my hairline recede upwards slightly i...
  14. A

    Am I Starting To Go Bald? I'm 18 By The Way

    Am I going bald?
  15. S

    The Story I (wish) I Will Never Have

    First of all, I’m lurking around this forum for quite some time and I want to thank everyone for the contribution. Finally I decided to post my own story. Please read everything until the end. I love my hair. It is a part of my identity. Not only personally, but also as a professional who makes...
  16. Señor AIDidaS

    What Do You Guys Think? Am I Balding At The Crown?

    I am 21 with a solid Norwood 1.5. So I recently got my hair cut very short, and everything looked uniform, everything looked the same. It's a little bit longer now, still pretty short, but at some angles my crown looks like it's thinning, but this is complicated by my hair type. I have extremely...
  17. D

    Am I losing my hair?

    My hair has never been particularly thick. In pictures from back when I was 15 (5 years ago) you can see my scalp from my crown when I was under lights. My hairline is not receding, but given that male pattern baldness seems to run around randomly in my family, I would like a few other opinions. I hope these...