
am i balding?

  1. S

    Am I balding? M17

    Hey guys, like five months ago I noticed my hair looked a little thin and ever since then I’ve become very paranoid about the whole situation, I went to a dermatologist and he didn’t really give me a straight answer so I would appreciate any opinion you guys have for me :)
  2. B

    Am i thinning or is this normal

  3. H


    HELLO, 21 M, Ive always had a high hairline since I was a kid. It was never straight or the traditional "Box shape". Idk why but does it look like im losing hair. The pics of my crown are out in the sun with bright light. Both sides of my parents all have fill heads of hair. Except my dad. He is...
  4. A

    Am i balding? 18y

  5. U

    Am i balding? 17y bald grand

    For the past few months i've noticed a sudden change in my hair, i don't know what it is exactly, but i think my hairline kinda recessed a little bit, and i think i'm balding. As i am no expert in this area i dont know if im just hallucinating or if my suspicions are right. If someone sees this...
  6. R

    I am 16 is my hairline okay and am I losing Hair?

    I am 16 and have always had thick hair, but have only started paying attention to it recently. Is my hair whorl normal, and am I balding. Keep in mind the pictures were taken in a very well lit bathroom, and I am a very paranoid person
  7. S

    Worried Because I Think I Am Thinning

    Does it look like i am losing hair? My mother said something about it the other day and it had me worried. She also does hair. I haven't stopped thinking about it since. My dads side has had some hairloss (him too), but his dad still has a full head of hair. My moms side has no history of hair loss.
  8. D

    23 Yr Old Am I Balding Or Not. Opinions Are Welcome

    Both my mom and dads family have no balding but am sort of scared my hairline is receding so am just looking for an opinion to anyone who can comment on it. Really hoping its not bad news
  9. J

    Am I Balding? I Need An Objective Eye.

    I’m 17 years old and I had diffuse thinning as a 16 year old. male pattern baldness is in my family (on my mother’s side unfortunately) but after talking to my hairless Uncle’s and grandfather, they didn’t start near this early. I’m not sure if my hair is going but I want a more objective eye to...
  10. D

    Do You See A Bald Head In My Future?

    My hair is thinning nearly all over my head. Im not sure if its male pattern baldness or if its being caused by something else. As my head is very itchy at times and now and then red marks appear on my hairlone
  11. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? [2]

    I didnt quite get a complete answer last time since i didnt have any good pics or how to upload them so here is a better pic.
  12. S

    I Am 16 And Some People In My Class Are Telling Me That I'm Balding

    I am a 16 year old and 4 guys in my class are telling me that I am balding and it's causing me to become really insecure, am I balding? My dad balded yet his dad and my maternal grandfather both had a full head of hair, and my mom's two brothers haven' balded yet while there in their 50's.
  13. D

    Am I In Danger Of Hair Loss, Never Thought About It?

    Hi guys, I'm a 23 year old male, and I never thought of hair loss until recently when my friend scared me, and I've been thinking about it for a long time. I have no problems with my hair at my temples but I recently took a video of my crown and the hairs there look kinda... receding? I would...
  14. J

    I’m 17, And I Balding??? Please Help

    Hello, I’m 17 years old and from the longest i remember my hair has always been thin and my temples have always been a little deep. But I’m not sure if I’m crazy or not and I’m really scared but I’ve recently been looking in the mirror and i seriously don’t know if I’m balding and i really don’t...
  15. A

    Can Someone Tell Me What's Going On With My Hair Please?

    Recently, I got drafted so I went ahead to shave my head about 2 months ago (July 2017). My hair is currently about an inch long at the top and I started noticing what seems to either be a bald/thinning spot or a cowlick on the crown of my head. I have noticed a whorl at the back of my head last...
  16. W

    No Idea What Is Going On? -need Help-

    So towards the start of 2017 I was persauded to shave my hair off and let it "regrow" thicker, I don't believe in that sh*t, but to avoid arugements sake I did it, but shortly after I noticed my hair was growing back in an odd manner, I has random thinning areas and the right side if the front...
  17. R

    22. Am I Balding? If So What Norwood Level?

    Hey guys. Not sure what to think of this. So I thought i'd ask. Am I in trouble? Also here's a picture of my head from 2 years ago. Only one I could find with my hair not in my face or pulled over. Should I be worried?