
androgen alopecia

  1. T

    (help) Thinning Hair On The Sides, What Does It Mean? (20years Old)

    As you can see there is a patch of hair that is definetly thinner then the rest of my hair. What does it mean? Is it a sign of androgenic alopecia? Should I get on a special treatment? Ty for your answers
  2. J

    Balding Or Just Naturally Thin Hair??

    So I’ve been worrying for so long whether I’m balding from my crown, I tried logging in and said I already had account when I logged I realised that I posted something similar to this 1.5 years ago back then I had really short hair now (will post both now and before) I have really long hair now...
  3. H

    So, Now Norwood Scale Is Not Always Useful?

    I found this pic in NCBI website. link below: what you say about Norwood scale?
  4. E

    I'm Only 17 And Lthinning+shedding Hair

    -It basically goes like this. -I have first noticed the hair loss about 2 years ago, when I noticed I did not have so much hair in the front area. -Over time I guess it progressed in such a rate to the point where now I'm concerned I might be losing my hair by the time I'm 20. This is horrible...
  5. rclark

    Losing The War Against Androgen Alopecia.

    Currently I'm taking lots of doctor prescribed medications for baldness, but I have lots of stress in my life. Can age and stress cancel the positive effects of gaining hair with medications? Almost hitting the half century mark, age wise. Currently I am a Norwood three. And I have had some...