
bald spot

  1. W

    Am I Balding/thinning At The Crown? Forhims/roman Doctors Prescribed Me, But I Am Insure.

    I'm 23 and I have always had thin hair (albeit a lot of it when I was younger) and I am part Asian. I noticed definite thinning in my sideburns area/temples but not too much receding on the hairline. About 6-8 mo ago I noticed my crown when I saw the back of my head in a mirror and was kind of...
  2. J

    My Bald Spot After Getting Out Of The Shower

  3. C

    Is This A Bald Spot Or Cowlick? Or Both? Help

    Hey guys. Was wondering if this is the start of balding or is just my cow lick? My mom says I have had it since birth but I dont know if she is just saying that. Could use some help. (Apologize for the low quality images and my face. Not easy to get a picture of the top of your head)
  4. J

    Having A Tough Time Understanding My Hair Loss (pics Included)

    So I noticed this loss of hair in July and it was random. I had an excessive shedding of Hair up until September. It has slowed down since since then. My hairline and crown and are fine and intact. No receding hairline and no balding at the crown. Yet I’m still confused about this hair loss. I...
  5. B

    Advice On Cowlick Vs. Beginning Bald Spot

    20m, I’ve always had my cowlick but I’ve recently began to worry about it. Just wanted some opinions, thank you. Two first pictures are from last night, 5-10m after a shower, last pic is from a year ago.
  6. J

    26. Thin Crown And Bald Spot. Advice And Opinion On My Hair's Current State.

    Is this thinning from the crown? What's best plan of action, I want to reverse this. Or stop it getting worse. Diet / supplements / external applications / lifestyle / excersize what shall I do? I don't smoke. Don't drink much but when I do I hit it hard and can barely remember the night. I...
  7. Lebronshairline

    No Bs Please My Hairline Is Trash!!!

    People on this forum keeping telling my hairline is fine but it's not. I was styling my hair and saw how trully bad it is. It's like I'm a Norwood 1 on one temple and Norwood 2 on the other. This is so stressful especially when no one in my family believes I'm balding. They believe this because...
  8. M

    Please Help. No One Was Able To Diagnose This.

    Hey everyone, A about a month ago I noticed this bald spot on my scalp but no recieding hairline. So i went and got scalp analysis and there is barely any miniaturized hair. There is no balding history in my family no both sides. All uncles and grandparents have full heada of hair. The first...
  9. B

    If I Go Back To Minoxidil Can I Expect The Same Results As The First Time?

    So first of all i m 19 yo, i started noticing that i m losing my hair in december 2017, and since then i ve been using minoxidil until let s say 2 weeks ago and also i had a break in january for about a week, when i noticed i was going bald, i noticed a thinning area in the front of my...
  10. A

    17 Year Old Worried About Crown Thinning

    I am currently 17 years old, and am unsure if my crown is thinning. I have combed all my hair forward. (Hair is a bit greasy my apologies) I'd appreciate any advice. My hair is about 4 inches long, in case the parting is making it appear to be thinning.
  11. T

    I Believe I'm Suffering From An Early Stage Of Male Pattern Baldness. Care To Give Input?

    Hi, i'm 18 years old and i think i'm suffering from early male pattern baldness. This has just been a lot do deal with mentally recently, because of how young i am, and the fact this came out of nowhere. Let me give some family history: The grandfather on my mothers side had a thick, full head of hair until the...
  12. C

    Possible Hair Thinning/bald Spot Opinions Please!

    Hi guys, I was checking my hair the other day and I noticed that I could see a lot more scalp on my crown than i could before and I was wondering if this could be the start of Balding? I've always had quite a bad hairline but it might be getting worse and I want to catch it early before it gets...
  13. S

    Bald Spot Getting Bigger Despite Steroid Injection?

    I noticed a perfectly smooth and round bald spot on my scalp last month. I immediately went to a dermatologist and was told that my alopecia areata was treatable. In fact, some of the hair almost looked like it was broken off! I received a bunch of steroid injections to my scalp and was sent...
  14. C

    Thining Crown and Buringing/Cold Sensation?

  15. R

    Has my male pattern baldness already properly started? 18 year old

    Hi, I'm an 18 year old Asian male, and I fear I may be experiencing significant hair loss. My father is bald, as well as my maternal grandfather so I know I'll probably be bald at some stage.i think I'm experiencing some recession in my hair line as well as substantial amounts of hair falling...
  16. R

    Hello in need of some tips/advice

    Hi, I'm an 18 year old Asian male, and I fear I may be experiencing significant hair loss. My father is bald, as well as my maternal grandfather so I know I'll probably be bald at some stage.i think I'm experiencing some recession in my hair line as well as substantial amounts of hair falling...
  17. U

    19 years old - cause for concern?

    Hello all. I noticed a bald spot at the top of my head (crown) after being told by a friend that I had a bald spot there. What do you know? I'm also receding at the front of my hairline, especially on the left side but it's going back a bit on the right too. That isn't a huge concern for me...