
bald spots

  1. N

    Is This A Bald Spot? - 16 Years Old

    So pretty much I woke up today with a bit of a burning sensation (not much though) and was curious what could cause this. So I took some pictures and these were the results: I do have dandruff and it did get itchy up there from the past and I just ignored it, is it...
  2. S

    Tons Of Tiny Bald Spots? Help Me Please

    Hi, I’m a 16 year old Asian and made the decision to get a punk sorta undercut(yes, cringe) and I have no problem with the haircut but I noticed tons of spots that look void of any hair follicles. Should I worry?
  3. I

    Bald Patches On Scalp But Hair Is Growing Back

    Hello my name is Izabela im 23 years old and Iv realised couple bald patches on my scalp about 2 months ago .. when I realised one of my patches just above my ear thats when I started to check my whole head and thats when I found another 3 .. 1 just behind my other ear and 2 behing just above my...
  4. C

    Help! 21 Year Old Hairloss, Advice Please!

    Hi guys, I am in such a horrible situation, i haven't yet been to the doctors, but i've noticed some horrible thinning on the top frontal part of my scalp. It's heart-breaking to see that my hair is so thin and patchy at such a young age. I'm mortified :( Background: About a year ago, my...
  5. M

    Does my scalp look unusually patchy??

    Baseline thoughts? Hello gentlemen, this is my first post here, but I've been a frequent visitor the last year or so. Just gave up and shaved everything off yesterday, and now that I'm getting a different/more close up perspective of my scalp I'm wondering what'd you say my Norwood is, and opinions...