

  1. Scrooge McDuck

    Help With Understanding My Hairloss

    hi, i have recently noticed diffusive thinning hair. so i did a ''hair loss blood test'' and here are my results: iron__________14.9 µmol/l (5.9 - 34.5) vitamin B12 _286 pmol/l (145 - 569) ferritin ECLIA __89.7μg/l (30.0 - 400.0) TSH...
  2. W

    Brain Fog, Tiredness, Barely Get it up, Low Libido, PLEASE HELP

    Hey Guys, I've been taking Finasteride 1.25 for 15 days and I'm getting awful side effects: 1. I feel low energy, barely want to go to the gym. 2. Brain Fog, sometimes a bit of a headache. It doesn't help my concentration. 3. Low Libido. 4. It's difficult to get it up and just c*m a little...