so basically, i have really bad dandruff (like abnormally bad) literally chunks. i itch my head so much that my scalp literally bleeds everyday. i went to the doctors and they gave me something to apply on my head for it but my mom said it’s just gonna thin out my hair more so i’m using natural...
After much frustration I finally decided that I can’t live like this so I did some research and bought Ketoconazole shampoo, with a lot of skepticism. I used it on my hair the other day for 5-10 min then I used a good conditioner to counteract the dryness and four days later the results have...
How suitable are hair systems for people who have itchy scalps? I know a lot of conditions like Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff are treated by applying things to your scalp, which obviously isn't possible with certain types of hair system. Will this mean you can't have a hair system if you...
Hello! I'm a 21 year old female who has been suffering from hair issues for quite a while now. When I was in about 8/9th grade, I bleached my hair really bad and never brought it back up to tip top shape. As an Asian, I had really thick hair but now its very sparse. I visited several...
Recently I have noticed my front hair to be thin under very bright light in bathroom. Front part of my scalp, forehead area is visible slightly under brighter light. I am interested wheatear this is cause for concern to act immediately or if this is just maturing hairline. Also, I have been...
Hey people. I have so much dandruff and I guess that makes my hair smelling so bad. I used so many shampos but none result. I consult dematologists and they said that it is seborrheic dermatitis however I tried the tratments, but none solved the problem. Sometimes I think the doctors do not want...
Hi folks
These last months I'm noticing some thinning round the whole scalp. I just went to the derm and told me Im suffering from dermatitis dandruff from stress. Just to check whether the issue has to relate also with MBP?
Im currently using Nizoral for washing my hair three times a week.
Under the last 6 months I realized that my hair is thinning.
In the last month I’ve been battling with dandruff and I can’t use anti-dandruff shampoos like Head and Shoulders because my scalp is very sensitive.
Also, the crown of my head is always itchy and it sometimes hurts. Is this a...
Hello! I am thinking about getting a hair system for myself. I am 22 years old and the only problem I am having is that I have an oily scalp and dandruff in my head that does not go away. It is greasy dandruff. So my question is, if I get the hair system, will it stick to my scalp? If yes, which...
I've noticed that when I slightly tug on parts of my head. Typically the sides and back I notice I can pull up to 3 hairs rather easily. I know these areas aren't affected by male pattern baldness but what could be causing this? I do have dandruff and dry scalp to a certain extent.
Over the last week or so, my hair has been shedding like crazy. Hundreds and hundreds of hairs falling out over the course of each day. If I shake my head, I can see hairs falling out. I don't see any hair shedding when I shower, and I'm not even on any treatment.
I used to shower twice a day...
I'm having a simple but serious issue with hair care. I have a tendency to get dandruff this has never been an issue as I have always used anti dandruff shampoos however over the last few months when I use an anti dandruff my scalp becomes inflamed itchy and I lose around 50 hairs in the shower...
Hello, i have been using minoxidil 15% for about 4 months. I since added jojoba oil, coconut oils, onion juice, and nizoral to my regimen. I didn't have any flaking until i started using the nizoral, i'v only been using that for about 2 weeks. I don't get any burning or itching whatsoever, just...
I'm a 32 year old guy that moved to the States a little over a year ago from South America. Ever since moving here I've been experiencing hairloss, which prompted me to seek the help of a dermatology. He said I had male pattern baldness (which isn't surprising because my father is bald)...
So I’ve been using minoxidil off and on for the past 2 years and haven’t had much success with it.
I’ve quit min for various reasons, mostly money and lack of results. I initially thought I wasn’t having results because I was using min once a day. The longest I’ve been on min was maybe 5...
I've been balding since I was 19 years old and I'm 21 now. Since 19 I also got an increase in dandruff specially on the forehead hairlane which has made it receed and thinned my hair, specially on my left side of the head. My dad and his dad are VERY bald, but however mom's family is full of...
Hey everyone,
I'll be turning 23 in a couple months and I noticed my hair loss around 19 or 20 years old. It happened to occur after the first and only time a woman I was dating had broken my heart hahaha. I have aggressive thinning on my crown and the top of my head. After a stressful past...
Hi guys,
I have been on finasteride 1mg for exactly one year but I have not noticed any improvements. In fact, I believe my hair has thinned furthermore. I suffer from a very dry scalp with scaly patches. I also have severe dandruff.
I am looking to add nizoral to my routine but would like to...