
double crown

  1. O

    Double Cowlicks ? Or Thinning? Im Tired Of Stressing Over This

    Hey this picture was taken about two months ago and im still paranoid about my crown. What do you guys think? I have a history of balding in one side of my family. And honestly i dont know if my crown has always been like that. I get an itchy tingly burnning sensation in my crown and temples...
  2. G

    Am I Balding Or Is It Me Just Being Paranoid?

    19 years old. My hair is not that dense, but comparing my doublecrown with other areas of my head, it's less dense. Furthermore, I often rub my hand in that area and it's very likely that one hair strain, a weak one, comes into my hand with yellow thing under each and every hair strain I've...
  3. D

    Please Help! Does My Hair Look Alright Or Do I Need To Worry About It?

    I am 24 years old Male. I have never checked my hair so closely before. But suddenly before around 15 days I checked my hair after I had a hair cut, and it looked to me as if they are thin. (I don't have much knowledge about hair to be honest so its just my own judgement) so I want someone with...
  4. R

    Very Weird And Concerning Dent In My Hair.

    Background info: 18 turning 19 this year, east Asian male. Both sides grandpa balding at 70-ish (Father side grandpa about NW3, "island" type, no vertex thinning). Don't know about my dad, he passed away when I was quite small. I have a double crown + long straight hair. So on the right side...