I've noticed that when I slightly tug on parts of my head. Typically the sides and back I notice I can pull up to 3 hairs rather easily. I know these areas aren't affected by male pattern baldness but what could be causing this? I do have dandruff and dry scalp to a certain extent.
Over the last week or so, my hair has been shedding like crazy. Hundreds and hundreds of hairs falling out over the course of each day. If I shake my head, I can see hairs falling out. I don't see any hair shedding when I shower, and I'm not even on any treatment.
I used to shower twice a day...
I'm wondering if this could possibly be the cause of my hair loss. I've looked it up and have gotten different results; some sites say dandruff only causes hair loss if you scratch, other sites say it can lead to hair loss regardless so I'm not sure what to believe. The reason I ask is because...
I've been losing hair for a while. I have a very dry and oily scalp, but my dermatologist said she doesn't think it's a scalp condition. My blood work came back with increased testosterone, so she thinks it might be that. I've been taking birth control, but so far no changes. I've also been...