
early signs

  1. V

    Early stages of hair loss? 20 Years old Male

    Hello, For some context I’m currently 20 years old. My dad started to experience some hair loss in his late 20s and now at the age of 50ish is a NW6 I’d say. My uncle on my moms side has probably a Norwood 3.5ish at the age of 50. Anyways I know it’s best to catch hair loss early which is why I’ve...
  2. N

    Thinning Hairline And Crown At 22 Years Old. Is This Early Stage Mpd?

    My temples have gone noticeably thinner these past few years since i was 18. Want to catch it in the early stages and regain my hairline with the hopes of then adding thickness to thin areas maintain from there on out. Judging from my pictures would mix or finasteride or a combination of both of...
  3. C

    20 Year Old Male Needing Some Advice

    Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old male who LOVES their hair but is unfortunately seeing the first signs of a receding hairline (the temple areas are the worst). I shed quite a lot of hair a day - maybe I am just hyper-aware of it? I have low self esteem as it is and this is really starting to...
  4. J

    Is My Crown Thinning? Or Is This Just A Cowlick?

    Male 23yrs old No family history of male pattern baldness I have thin and less hair density from my childhood. I do have fairly good amount of body hair :( [I don't know whether it is a factor or not] Just wanted to get some of your guys' opinions. Thanks :)
  5. D

    17 And Showing Early Signs Of Balding

    Hi, I’ve had a widows peaked hairline (or at least noticed it) since i was 11 which was a very strong V but now at 17 i’ve noticed it’s definitely gotten more pronounced (sides have risen). both my mums side and my dads side of the family have hair, albeit both sets of grandparents feature...
  6. R

    Am I In The Early Stages Of Male Pattern Baldness?

    I'd just like to confirm if I'm dealing with legitimate male pattern baldness or just a mature hairline, although I'm pretty sure it's the former. I'm 22 years old, and both my uncle and my grandfather on my mother's side are bald (my uncle started to lose his around 23). In addition, I've noticed increased...
  7. J

    16, Very Early Crown Thinning, Thoughts, Treatment? [pics Included]

    Hi, long time lurker, this is my first real post. I just turned 16 and I've recently noticed some signs of very minor thinning in my crown area. The only reason I picked up on it so early is because I've been so obsessed with the possibility that I've been checking my crown almost every day for...
  8. J

    Not Normal For 19 Year Old ? Is It ?

    Hey there ! I really need some advice I have this sinking feeling that I am going bald at just 19 years old !! There is baldness in my family all three of my mums brothers are fully bald, my dad had that weird fryer tuck thing going on ! My dads brother had a full head of hair until 60 and...
  9. J

    19 Years Old, Mixed Responses In Need Of Advice

    hairline looks somewhat thin but is still fairly straight across the crown in direct light with hair brushed away from center I'm really confused with what i should do, I've been told to hop on finasteride right away, I've been told I'm fine and to stop worrying but also have been told to just monitor...