
fluid retention

  1. H

    Oral Loniten (Minoxidil) and Fluid Retention

    I made a huge mistake and need to remedy my situation asap! I was taking low dose loniten at 2.5 mg once weekly and things were going fine apart from the hirsutism and having to tweeze out the excess hair at the temples. However, I increased the dose to 5 mg daily and after a few weeks I...
  2. D

    Minoxidil Sides. Advice From Experienced Users Needed.

    Hey guys. I'm 23 and have got slight recession but mainly thinning in the frontal third and particularly in the temples. It's been on it's way for a long time but i had a massive period of denial thanks to both grandfathers and father having good hair. But it's accepted now, and i'm trying to...