

  1. U

    Raised Hairline And Possible Solutions To That

    Hi, I've been experiencing a bit of hair loss over the last few years. I normally wear my hair down with a middle part (basically exactly like this: https:// however because of the slight hairline...
  2. B

    Baldness At 17-20 And Nothing Else Guys

    Hi guys! This is my short story. I am 20 years old. I am from small Slavic country and maybe have not the best genes, my father came almost fully bald when he was 17. Also he had Seborrhoeic dermatitis. I almost dont have serious troubles with my health not including some skin diseases. And...
  3. H

    24m - How Bad Is My Hairline Receding?

    Looking at these pictures, would you say that my hairline has started receding? If so, what Norwood would you think I am? Dad and older brother both have the horseshoe shape, so just trying to figure out if it I should worry about male pattern baldness, and if so, whether I should start...
  4. K

    31 With A Huge Forehead And Recession. Is It male pattern baldness? Diffusal Inc?

    I've always had a big forehead and widow's peak, so I've been temple frauding since I was 12 lol. Now the temples are coming back a good deal, and I've accepted it and keep my hair short (its longest its been in a while here and am cutting it soon). What usually happens when recession starts...
  5. J

    Lowering Hairline - Large Forehead Hair Transplant

    Hello So I'm in my late 30's now but i've always had a large forehead with widow's peak. I have a good set of hair with no male pattern baldness with my hair growing regularly (I have it cut once every 3 weeks) I've been for a FUE consulatation and explained I'd like to have my hairline...
  6. S

    The Size Of My Forehead And Will It Grow

    i have no family history of balding but i have inherited my mothers forehead and my hairline is tremendiously high. I am only 15 and i am very concerned that it will only get higher and higher. Can this happen without a receding hairline. Peyton manning has a hige forehead but i cant see that...
  7. bridgeburn

    What Contributes To The Growth Of Forehead Hairs

    I know minoxidil commonly causes face hairs on the cheeks and around the eyebrows and in between the sideburns and eyebrows; I think those hairs are just from minoxidil and not from anything anti androgenic. but how common are forehead hairs? Im sure that minoxidil is very helpful for these hairs but what...
  8. L

    15 Years Old, Receded Hairlines Genetic. Fue?

    Hello. I'm 15 years old, doing 16 in june, i have receded temples ever since i was a baby, my grandfather from my dads part had them too, my dad (50 years) has them and my older brother has them too, none of them got bald neither did their temples got bigger. My dads temples size is like mine...
  9. G

    What options do I have for reducing my forehead size appearance?

    I've heard about forehead reducing and hairline lowering, with optional hair grafting. Based off of this photo, do you think I'm a good candidate for one of these techniques? I think my hairline could be just a little lower. Thanks. Both my parents don't have receding hairlines, and neither do...