
hair 18 young balding bald

  1. E

    Is this hair loss at 18?

    The past week or two my hairline has started thinning.
  2. A

    Am i going bald is it just a thinning phase?

    I’m noticing for past 2-3 months that my hair are falling out alot so i did a bit of research and that was “50-100 hairs a day are normal” but i was losing more than that, but now numbers came down a bit but still hairs are falling out. Visited a derm he just gave a straight answer, its male pattern baldness. You...
  3. D

    How Is It Really Like Living With A A System At Your 20s?

    Hey guys so this is my first time posting here. I am a 19 year old guy who’s always had a huge density and amount of hair. A year and a half ago I noticed I was starting to lose my hair at the front so I went to a dermatologist and I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. I started taking...
  4. G

    Is This Hair Thinning Or I Am Getting Bald

    Hello, I'm from India and noticing heavy hairfall, Im losing 20-30 hair follicles daily, they are everywhere, so I decided to shave my hair, I'm so stressed about this, can you guys tell me is it hair thinning or I'm getting bald permanently, I am 21 and and water is very hard where I live
  5. L

    Is My Crown Balding Or Is It Just A Hair Whorl?

    I'm 18 and worried. I don't seem to be losing that much hair when I wash it but I do find any where between 5 and 20 hairs on my pillow every night. (now that it's been very hot for a couple of days it's been around tweny but notmally it's way lower. The last 3 pictures are from 2 to 3 years...
  6. E

    About To Start Finasteride... How Long Will It Work?

    I’ve already posted but got little response butI’m 19 and a half and wondering if there is any chance I can keep baseline let’s say 5 years down the road. I’d like to at least finish college with hair. I have decided to take finasteride. Here are some photos.
  7. M

    Thinning Hair At 18? Please Help :(

    Ok so I don’t know what’s going on. Ever since November I’ve been worrying about my hairline receding. I just started to feel better about myself and losing my hair would be a huge blow to my confidence, especially at 18 man. But, I can’t live with this anxiety anymore. Having to check my...
  8. A

    Why Is This Happening On Only One Side? And Is My Crown Thinning?

    So I'm 18 years old and have noticed a thinning line along the left side of my hair part (right side has no issues). My hairline hasn't changed in over 2 years, but this side has been hitting me hard. I am also wondering if my crown is thinning as well. Any response is appreciated, this has been...
  9. S

    Concern About Hair Loss Since 15 Years Old.

    I've been losing my hairline since I was 15/16 but only on the right side. I am now 20 and my hairline has got to a point where it is noticeably bad. Is this pattern baldness? And should I start treatment?
  10. J

    Am I Really Losing My Hair? (18 Years Old)

    I've notices i've been losing hair on the sides as you can see and now i think my front line is thinning. What do you see?
  11. D

    Just Cut My Hair And Im Looking For Opinions.

    Alright so I just cut my hair, completely buzzed it because the warmer weather is already settling in where I live. I want to know if you guys think my hairline is fine and if my hair seems like it’s thinning (sorry about the lighting)
  12. D

    My Hair Looks Like It’s Thinning. Any Opinions??

    Hello everyone I’ve just recently noticed that the front of my hairline looks thin. I’m 19 and both sides of my family have great hair genetics. My dads 62 and still has a full head of hair, so this is freaking me out a little bit. The sides look that way to I have pictures that I’ve attached...
  13. Y

    Restarting Minoxidil And Dutasteride Treatment Works!

    So I was on 2 ml 5% Minoxidil per day and Dutasteride 0.5mg twice a week along with Ketoconazole shampoo and some vitamin and metal supplements (Age: 21) I saw great results but I stopped after a year. How naive of me! The next few months were horrible with "catch-up hairloss" So, I decided to...
  14. B

    Is This A Whorl Because It Showed Up When I Had A Bold Hair Cut

    is this a whorl because it showed up when i had a bold hair cut
  15. B

    Continued Miniaturization After 2 Months On Finasteride.

    I cannot be exactly sure that my miniaturization has gotten worse, it just seems to be that way. When I compare pics to when I started to pics now, my hairline does not seem to have receded any further, but does continued miniaturization after two months on finasteride indicate that the drug is not...
  16. R

    How Bad Am I Balding? 18 Years Old Worried

    I am 18 years old and am worried about my hair situation. I feel like I am balding and it's really bugging me because I'm not sure how worried I should be. My dad still has a pretty thick head of hair but it is receded a bit. There aren't really any bald people in my family so I'm worrying? I...