
hair replacement system

  1. F

    Hair Replacement System Survey (Paid £)

    Hi all, I am co-founder of NewFade, a hair replacement service based in London, UK run by 3 medical doctors. We are looking for gentlemen of all hair types to take part in a one-on-one focus interview to discuss their experiences with hair replacement systems. You will be paid £50 and this will...
  2. F

    Hair Replacement System Survey (Paid £)

    Hi all, I am co-founder of NewFade, a hair replacement service based in London, UK run by 3 medical doctors. We are looking for gentlemen of all hair types to take part in a one-on-one focus interview to discuss their experiences with hair replacement systems. You will be paid £50 and this will...
  3. Adam Lomax

    Delays on stock systems due to COVID

    Does anyone have a quick supplier for French or Swiss Lace stock systems at the moment? I know there’s delays in manufacturing in China but was hoping to get a system sent to me pretty quickly. All I can find that has immediate stock is Lordhair. Does anyone know of any other suppliers? Thanks
  4. D

    Would A Hair System For Just The Crown Work?

    Hi everyone. I'm new on this forum and I would like your help regarding a hair system. I'm 27 years old and I have been losing my hair for the last 5 years now. My hair has thinned a lot all over, but the crown has been the worst hit and I've developed a bald spot. I have attached pics but I'm...
  5. L

    I'm Doing It - Introduction + Newbie Questions.

    Hi all, First and foremost, nice to meet you all, I'm (25-M) a new member here. I've always been a lurker in this forum. It's great to see that we have such a great community to support each other and share knowledge and tell stories that we can all relate to. So, after 5 years of constantly...
  6. D

    Any Good Places To Go In London/uk For Hair Replacement Fitting/ Cutting In

    Hi all I'm a 28 y/o male who needs a hair replacement system where the hairline can be visible (I want to do a top knot style). I know with a lot of lace front wigs girls use you can't really notice the hairline - and you can pluck the front hairs out of the lace to create baby hairs etc - I'm...
  7. J

    Mens Full Cap Hair System, Yes Or No?

    Hi all, I am 21 years old and have been losing hair rapidly since i was 20. Its starting to really thin out and be noticeable. If it weren't for my slight hair loss on the sides of my head i would just get a top piece, but unfortunately the hairs on the side are becoming thin and whispy showing...
  8. R

    Uk - Looking For First System & Sylist

    Hi Everyone, I'm 23 and looking for my first system. I've done some extensive research about base type, length thickness, adhesive, etc. so my questions are more around the logistics of how to get started. In summary I have been using Topix for a few months and although I do still have hair...