

  1. Ashleyhair094

    Can You Use Regular Shampoo To Wash a Wig?

    Do you know why wigs that have been on display in the hair salon for a long time are still so smooth and shiny, you can leave them in the cupboard for a week and you will be in a state of frizz. Is your daily care and cleaning not done properly? What details are you easily overlooked? Tips...
  2. lanedave

    7 main reasons why your hair is falling out a lot

    There are multiple causes of hair loss, from changes in diet to chronic diseases, and in this comprehensive report we will introduce you to the most prominent of them, and ways to deal with them. We start with the American dermatologist Francesca Fusco, who says that the average hair loss per...
  3. P

    Am I Going Bald Or Cowlick? Opinions

    What do you guys think been worried for awhile, I can’t decide and Would really like someone else’s opinion
  4. Falsenine

    [pics Inside] 3 Months finasteride How Does My Hair Look?

    Hi guys, I’ve been on minoxidil for 1 year and started finasteride 3 and a half months ago, I’ve not seen any reduction in shedding and I feel my hair has got worse What do you guys think? First picture is 3 months into finasteride Second picture is about 10 months ago and my hair was a lot longer
  5. A

    I Need Someone To Help Me W/ My Questions

    Hello, I'm new here. I'm 15 years old and I just have a few questions that no one has answered for me. 1. I have a widows peak and I know it's genetics because my mother and grandmother both have it still. But I saw a post that said widows peak is a sign of balding? 2. I would like to mention...
  6. B

    Im 18 and losing hair, What can i do to stop and regrow

    Hi I'm benjamin, i live in the US and am 6ft 125 LBS and i have just turned 18, I have been losing hair ever since last year. it my hair line has been receding very rapidly, Mostly the left side of my hair line. Both my mother and father have the genetic hair loss trait and i am certain i am...