
high hairline

  1. L


    new thread :)
  2. S

    How To Solve The Mystery Of My Confusing 19 Year-old Hairline?

    I've had a cowlick and a high hairline for as long as I can remember, but my OCD has really kicked in lately and I've spent a lot of time worrying about the future of my head. It's immediately obvious when I hold my hair back (I usually wear bangs) how much higher and more receded my hairline is...
  3. T

    Hairline Is Either Receding Or Maturing From It's Already High Start?

    So my hair has always been crazy thick, however I am starting to get anxious about the hairline, I went to the GP and he kind of laughed and said I had a good head of hair, and everyone around me says that as well (friends family, Reddit etc). But I can't help feeling my hairline is creeping...
  4. MilwaukeeRoad

    My Obligatory "high-forehead-or-male pattern baldness" Paranoia Post

    Well, gentlemen, it's back to this again! I'm 19 years old, and I've always pulled my hair down over my forehead, in some crude parody of a mop-top- I've always had a big forehead. Last February, I began to notice that my hair seemed higher than usual, and, naturally, this developed into a...
  5. Wolf5150

    How's It Going Guys ? New Here. Introduce Myself To The Commuirty Ask Some ?'s

    Evening all, Wolf is what everyone calls me. So why not stick with that. Curious to talk, help and learn. Personally I'm told I have hair miniaturization slight thinning, but I've always had "baby hairs" on my hairline and very high hair line, cost of my genetics. I've had a hell of ride so far...
  6. I

    Lower Naturally High Hairline and Big Forehead

    Hey guys, I have a question. I was born with a big forehead and a high hairline. My hairline isn't receding at all. Is there anyway I can shrink the forehead and lower the hairline? I've heard hair grafting is a solution, but has mixed reviews. What do you guys think? Thanks!