

  1. S

    No Luck Getting Rid Of The Itchy Scalp. What Now?

    1 year ago i started having a burning sensation and itchy scalp. It all started in very stressful period in my life. My hair texture has changed a lot since. My hair is thin and looks dead. I have since been talking with a dermatologist and has tried following treatments; 1) Finasteride for...
  2. -Synergy-

    Will I Shed Until I Am Completely Bald From Using Minoxidil?

    I don’t know what exactly caused all my shedding people. It might have been a skin disorder or Telogen Effluvium from minoxidil, but wow my hair is cashed. Anyway, the first time I used minoxidil I got ridiculous inflammation so I had to stop but was getting small results at 2 months. Now I got inflammation...
  3. A

    Lost Alot Of Hair From Inflammation

    SO i always had thick hair my whole life up until September 2018 i started to shed like crazy i had buildup stuff on my scalp so i shaved my head to clean it i went to see a doctor he said your scalp is inflammed now my question is did i loose my hair from the Buildup that was on my scalp from...
  4. J

    Massive Hair Care Dilemma (i Need Advice)

    I'm having a simple but serious issue with hair care. I have a tendency to get dandruff this has never been an issue as I have always used anti dandruff shampoos however over the last few months when I use an anti dandruff my scalp becomes inflamed itchy and I lose around 50 hairs in the shower...
  5. T

    Infamation And Red Pimple Like Spots!?

    I really want to get to the bottom of the red pimple like spots I get on my scalp usually the male pattern baldness areas! Has anyone got the answer to what they are? I's it a scalp issue, is it demodex crawling around? Just inflammation that's causing them. I no how important a nice clean scalp with little to no...
  6. N

    A Possible New Treatment For Treating Androgenetic Alopecia?

    I have been using a new cream that contains two certain compounds that have greatly reduced inflammation.
  7. hairblues

    Inflammation For Androgenetic Alopecia--does The Pathology Of Biopsy???

    Can an Androgenetic Alopecia biopsy be false for AA I present very much Androgenetic Alopecia both in appearance and also under inspection an physical exam... Miniaturization Hairs that shed have white bulbs No exclamation point hairs (something for AA) No round patches Just defuse mainly on crown Okay they finally did a biopsy...