
libido finasteride erection

  1. L

    Increased Libido And Shedding When Switching To Proscar

    Hey guys! I’m 23 and have been using Finasteride Accord 1 mg for little over one-year whit a good response. About 1 mount ago I had to switch brands since the 1 mg pill I was using could no longer be obtained in any of the pharmacies in my country and I could only afford generic. Instead, I got...
  2. 5

    26 Yr Old, 2.5 Months On Finasteride

    Hi all, Long time lurker here. Been reading threads on this forum on and off for the past 2 years. Hair started thinning when I was about 23 years old and has progressively gotten worse to the point where people started commenting on it. Mainly the crown and the top. Was worried about sides of...