

  1. R

    How long can hair systems be stored?

    I bought a new hair system. How long can hair systems be stored? and how? Thank you.
  2. N

    Dermaroller Alternatives Dermapen / Dermastamp

    Hey everyone, I recently tried to start dermarolling, I bought a 1.5mm 540 needles dermaroller from amazon. I find the dermaroller extremely inconvenient to use because I have long hair (to hide the fact that I'm balding) and painful. I've been looking into the dermapen and dermastamp options...
  3. D

    Got A Few Questions That Need Answering.

    Hi, I've read Minoxidil stops working after a period, is this correct and will I be able to maintain new hair grown by Minoxidil by using Finasteride only? Thanks.
  4. J

    Will Propecia Keep My Hair For Life?

    I started taking Propecia 1mg when I noticed a little recession (about half an inch back from my normal hairline) in my temples about 2 years ago when I was 19. I couldn't tell if it was actually male pattern baldness, but my derm told me he thought it was the beginnings of it as he did see some miniaturization...
  5. A

    Is there anything wrong? PHOTOS

    So I've been monitoring my hair since last year. I have ZERO, NONE frontal recession, but I've noticed quite some scalp in the top of my head. Pictures: Those are just from a shower. Also I've been, while not "shedding" in a compulsive way, noticing more hair in my...