I was previously a HairDirect direct customer and got royally screwed by them. I started using HollywoodLace but I feel that the quality isnt what hairdirect was and the customer service has been horrible. My last two systems I paid for the super rush 4-6 weeks and both times it took 3 months to...
I'm currently wearing a front piece cut from a full size system that a salon custom ordered for me. It's a mono base (I think), with double stitched knots and a density of 120%. I'm not entirely sure where it came from, but I have my suspicion that it's from lordhair, and as you can see...
Custom order
Swiss Lace system light density
Indian hair
Not bad but still too thick for my taste.
The Indian hair is very heavy. Should I ordered European hair next time? And reduce the hair density to 70%?
And I still can't seem to attach it properly so I'm thinking of trying a wavy hair...